Taking a kid

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To say Hafu and her crew were pissed was an understatement. She paced her office with the other four sitting in chairs.

"We need to catch one. And not let him out of our sight," she muttered. They watched her walk back and forth before Janet stopped her.

"Hafu. Take a breath. Ok? We did it once, we can do it again," she said. Hafu nodded and looked at her.

"I know. Everyone try to come up with a plan. We need to catch one of theirs," she said and her team split.

The robbers were all trying to relax before their next heist. They all sat on boxes in the warehouse.

Steve had Koji leaned into his side while 5up held Scott close. DK was leaning against a wall and was closing his eyes.

"Get ready. We hit the bank now. We need the cash. DK, stop the alarms. Scott, Koji, vaults. Steve, hostages with me," 5up ordered and the all nodded.

They moved quickly once there and split up. They each headed to their workstations and got ready.

DK messed with the wiring to try and turn off any and all alarms. He turned off the internet and waited.

Ellum came around the friend and this time DK was prepared for him. He grabbed Ellum and slammed him into the wall.

He grabbed Ellum hair and kept him pinned against the wall. Ellums eyes were wide as his chest was pressed against the bricks.

"Let me go," he growled and DK scoffed.

"Yeah right. Not a chance," he growled and used Ellums handcuffs. He grabbed the collar of Ellums shirt and started to drag him to the truck.

He shoved him into the front seat and got behind the wheel.

Steve ran in first and cocked his gun.

"Everyone on the floor or I shoot," he growled and everyone dropped. A kid started crying and a mother was hurriedly shushing her kid. 5up looked over and signaled to Steve.

He walked over and knelt down with a glare on his face.

"Shut the kid up or I shoot. Now," he snarled and the mother nodded. She managed to get the kid to quiet down and stared at them in fear.

Steve moved back to 5ups side with his gun still aimed.

Scott saw Xchocobars run in while Koji moved cash into a bag. Kimi followed her and was holding something in her hand. Both of them were.

"You two again," Scott said with a smirk. Koji turned around and watched them. "Haven't we done this dance already?"

"Yeah. Well. This time I have another idea," she said and threw down a gas bomb. Kimi followed her lead. Scott fell to the floor in a coughing fit. Koji held his breath the best he could as well.

She held her breath as the gas cleared up. Scott laid on the floor, unconscious. She cuffed him and turned to face Koji. He cocked his gun and aimed it.

"Release him or I shoot," he growled. The girls glanced at each other and walked closer.

"Or. I kill him if you don't surrender," Kimi said and aimed hers at an unconscious Smajor. He realized that if he didn't lower his gun the Scott would get a bullet through the head.

He lowered his gun as Kimi walked behind him. His hands were twisted slightly behind his backs nod he felt the cuffs pinch his wrists.

Hafu and Apollo nodded to each other as the other two girls got Scott and Koji into cars. They walked up to the building and saw Steve and 5up.

"Hold it. Lower the gun," Hafu said. They both turned slowly and Steve moved his gun to aim at the kid.

"Why?" He asked with a fake look.

"We have two of your members and getting the third," Apollo said and Steve shook his head.

"You mean our electrician? Yeah, we have Ellum," 5up said. Hafu let out a low growl and watched him closely.

"And what do you want for his safety,"

"Give is our two back and let us go. We won't kill him. If not......" 5up said and sliced his throat with his finger.

Apollo and Hafu glanced at each other. They knew there would be no hesitation.

"Give him back and you can have to other two,"

"No, give us our two and he won't die," Steve and Apollo watched them go back and fourth for a minute.

Steve finally got annoyed and put his finger on the trigger.

"Give us the other two or the kid gets it," he growled. Dumbdog stared in shock on the mother held her child tightly. Steve walked over and pressed the gun to the kids head before pulling the child away from his mother.

"Release them," Hafu spoke into the comm. Apollo watched in silence.

Koji and Scott walked in and glared at the two girls.

"Hafu...." Xchocobars whispered before seeing the kid. Steve shoved the kid forward and walked out with him. The mother screamed in fear.

The robbers left in the car with the kid and Ellum.

Ellum kept squirming while up front next to DK.

"Stop moving," he growled. Steve and Koji sat in the back seat while 5up, Scott and the kid sat in the truck bed.

"So kid, what's your name?"

"T-Tubbo," he whispered in fear. 5up felt bad for the kid as did Scott but it was the only way they were going to get out of there.

"Listen kid. We aren't gonna hurt you. Alright?" 5up told him. Tubbo was still shaking

"Then why'd you take me?" He asked with slight fear.

"So that we could escape. We would drop you somewhere and leave you but we aren't that mean," Scott said in response. Tubbo looked at Scott and nodded.

"Can I know your names at least?"

"No. Just call us by our colors," 5up said before Scott could say anything. The arrived at the warehouse and unloaded the car.

DK tied Ellum to a chair and Steve brought Tubbo to a extra room.

"Stay in here. I'm locking the door," he muttered and locked it behind the kid. He turned and walked away.

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