2. Walmart

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The weekend. A break for Bad. He see's the weekends as time to recover from the week of harassment, and prepare himself for the next. He stays at home for two days. Just leaves his room to eat and use the bathroom. 

Todays Saturday, he get's up and goes downstairs for breakfast. He makes eggs and bacon for himself and takes the plate to his room. He eats and get's started on his weekend homework. After his homework is done, he works on graduation stuff. 

So as he's going through his emails about universities, his mom comes into the room. She says, "Bad, you need to go to the store for me real quick. Just buy some milk and all purpose flour." 

Bad nods and get's up. He grabs his phone, wallet, and keys. He get's in his car and the time is 3pm. So he drives to the nearby Walmart and parks near the back of the lot. Its just a habit of is now. 

He gets out and a few cars away, theres Skeppy's car and the whole group is in it. Bad can see what their doing. All the windows closed, doors locked, everyone smoking. Hot box of course. Bad doesn't partake, but being in highschool, you learn about stuff like this whether you do it or not. 

But its not like their going to do anything to him right now since their all just smoking inside. So Bad goes into Walmart casually. 

He avoids the stares he gets while grabbing milk and flour for his mom. He also gets some muffin mix for himself. He likes muffins and he bakes them himself since his mom doesn't want to. Baking is kind of a small habit he's picked up. 

He gets in line and pays for his items once rung up. He walks out the store with his grocery bag and goes to his car. Bad thought he was safe from anything, but there he was. 

Skeppy is now outside, leaning against the car door. Skeppy's eyes catch sight of Bad. He says, "Oh hey Bad. Didn't know your here? You bought some condoms to fuck some old dilf?" 

"Ew no." Bad replies. 

"Then what did you get?" Skeppy asks. 

Bad keeps walking to his car, "Nothing. Just milk or whatever." 

Skeppy laughs and says, "I bet you'd love my milk wouldn't you?" 

Bad sighs and says, "No. I really wouldn't." 

Bad mumbles under his breath, "Probably tastes sour." 

Skeppy gets off his car and walks next to Bad. This obviously makes Bad tense up and stop moving. Skeppy says, "Whats the problem? You scared of me?" 

Bad responds, "No. Just, what do you want? I need to get home." 

"You need to get home? Why's that?" Skeppy asks. 

Bad replies, "Nothing. Just need to, ok." 

Skeppy laughs and says, "I'll let you go home now.  But Monday i'll make sure you'll get what you deserve." 

Bad already knows what that is. "Ok." Bad replies. 

Skeppy observes Bad. He says, "Give me something you f slur. I know you hate me. So say it!" 

Bad looks at Skeppy and says, "What?" 

Skeppy holds Bad by the shirt collar and says, "Say what you want to say. I'll beat you Monday either way. So say it to me right now." 

Bad's never been alone with Skeppy like this. Sure his friends are a few feet away. But there in that car with no way see out of it from all the smoke. 

So maybe thats why Skeppy is acting a bit different than usual. Usually it's just lecture, beat up, curse, then leave. But right now, he's acting different when it's just him and Bad. He's being nicer and more mean at the same time, it's confusing. 

Bad says, "I don't have anything to say besides please stop." 

Skeppy asks, "Stop what?" 

Bad says, "As if you don't already know. Stop being so mean to me." 

Skeppy says, "You deserve everything we do to you." 

"Why?" Bad asks. 

Skeppy slightly raises his voice, "Because your gay!" 

Bad responds, "Whats so wrong with that? It doesn't affect you guys anyway." 

Skeppy scoffs and says, "Everything. Everything about you is wrong! There's something seriously wrong with you to make you gay. And just looking at you is so sad. I get mad when I see you. So do all of us. We get pissed off by looking at you. Its sickening that you think your normal and that theres nothing wrong with you. So you deserve everything and anything you get from us." 

Bad looks down at the pavement and sighs, "Just, let me go home." 

Skeppy says, "Leave and i'll see you Monday." He lets go of Bad and goes to his own car. 

Bad runs to hop in his car and drive away fast as possible. He goes home and gives his mom the milk and flour before heading upstairs. He shuts his door and keeps working on his graduation stuff. 

Once he's done with that, he lays in his bed. Bad says, "There isn't anything wrong with me. I'm just stuck in this horrible place for now. B-but there's just a little more time before I can leave. I'll get into Emory, Yale, I don't know, some far away school. Any school thats not here is good enough. I've been accepted into multiple schools already. J-just have to wait until graduation." His voice breaks at the end as he begins to cry.

Bad shuts his eyes and takes a nap to calm down. Once it's 7pm, he wakes up and goes downstairs to eat dinner. And once he's finished, he comes back to his room and goes on his laptop to play games. Tonight he just wants to play something nice by himself, so Minecraft. 

Word Count: 971

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