Chapter 14: Finale

Start from the beginning

        We all sat there on the couch as my dad prepared dinner. I had gone to the bathroom to clean up my wounds, so there were bandaids on those now, and as I leaned my head back onto the cushion, a bag of ice was pressed against my head.
Nishinoya sat on my right, with Tanaka beside him and Suga and Daichi beside me trying to distract me from the overwhelming events that happened.
        The TV was one playing whatever was on that channel at the time. I don't think anyone was watching it, though. I was busy trying to relax. I closed my eyes and exhaled deeply, before something suddenly touched my hand.
        I opened my eyes and looked down at Nishinoya's hand, then up at Nishinoya. He was watching the TV, but he avoided eye contact. He leaned a little more against me, and naturally, like we had done it for months, I squeezed his hand, interlocking our fingers. It felt safe. Nobody else had noticed, we were in our own little world, him and I. He leaned in closer to my body, close enough for me to lay my head on his and embrace him.
       "Alright, supper's ready," Dad called from the kitchen. I felt sorry that he had to cook a whole meal right after coming home from work, but I was grateful.
       We all made our way over to the kitchen (I left the ice behind on the couch) and got our food, then sat down at the table to say our thanks and began to eat.
        "So," Dad started, "Nishinoya's your boyfriend?"
        I gulped, then turned to Nishinoya, who must've been as red as I was. We stared at each other for a second.
        "Uhhh... well," I laughed nervously, "Not exactly..."
       "Oh? But I thought-"
        "Dad," I knew he was going to talk about me kissing Nishinoya. I wasn't that embarrassed; Suga, Daichi and Tanaka already knew about my crush (could I even call it that anymore?), and Dad wasn't trying to make fun of me or anything.
        I looked back at Nishinoya. He looked like he was enjoying himself, and the dinner my dad made. Maybe, I thought, later, he really can be my boyfriend. Officially. The thought in itself made my heart skip and my cheeks warm. I don't think I has ever thought of me being able to use the label 'boyfriend' for any of my relationships before, but I was beginning to like the sound of it. Especially if Nishinoya's name came before it...

       Around 8:30, an hour after dinner, Sugawara, Daichi and Tanaka went home. Nishinoya stuck around to hang out more. I was relieved about that. I began to worry that on his way home, my mom would find him and do something to him, so I decided that it was better if Nishinoya was by my side until... well, I didn't know.
       We sat side by side on the couch again, closer than before. He lay against me and reached his arm across my abdomen; I had an arm around his shoulder and rested my head on his.
       "Hey," Dad walked up behind us from his office where he was doing more work. I perked my head up.
        "I'm heading to bed. Is Nishinoya staying here?" he asked.
       I then looked down at Nishinoya.
       "If it's alright with you, my mom will he fine with it," he replied.
       Dad nodded and smiled warmly. "Of course, you're welcome to stay anytime. Just..." he gave me one of those looks, "keep it absenant."
       I laughed- of course he was joking- and he pat my shoulder before walking off to his bedroom. Well, his and my mother's bedroom. I wondered how it'd be for my father to sleep alone for the first time since their marriage. I wondered how different it'd be for him. A small feeling of guilt crept into my mind at the thought of how this might impact him. Was it my fault?
       "Asahi," Nishinoya yawned, tapping my abdomen.
       "Are you tired yet? I'm pretty exhausted."
       "Yeah, you wanna go to bed now?" I rubbed his shoulder. He nodded and hopped of up the couch, heading for the stairs as I followed close behind him.
       At the bottom of the stairs were remnants of the broken vase from earlier. We had tried to clean up all the smashed pieces, but we must have missed some. I sighed. I'll clean it tomorrow.
         We hurried up the stairs to my bedroom, which luckily wasn't as messy as I thought it would be. In fact it looked the same as before.
Nishinoya opened one of the wooden drawers of my dresser and pulled out a large black T-shirt.
       "...What's that for?" I asked.
       "I don't have any pajamas- I hope you don't mind."
       "Not at all. I'll go get a comforter for you to sleep on and some pillows while you get dressed," I walked out the room and closed the door behind me for Nishinoya to change.
        I walked up to the hallway closet and lazily threw open the door. Let's see here... a comforter... a pillowcase and pillow... and a blanket. I took the pillow and slid it in the pillowcase, then grabbed the comforter and blanket and slung the both over my shoulder. That should be good for now.
       "You done yet?" I spoke quietly, but not too quietly so that Nishinoya wouldn't be able to hear me through the door. The door swung open, and Nishinoya stood in the doorway in my T-shirt, which just barely fell down to his knees.
       "Is that good? You don't want shorts or anything?" I asked as I walked into the room and shut the door behind me with my heel while trying not to trip over anything.
       I threw the pile into the floor, then separated the comforter from the rest to lay it out on the floor right beside my bed. Nishinoya grabbed the other two corners and helped me lay it down smooth. I grabbed the pillow and put it at the head of the layout, then grabbed the blanket and layed that out as well.
       "I'll leave the room so you can change too," Nishinoya stated.

        After I had changed and we were both in the proper attire to sleep, I flicked on the lamp from my nightstand and switched off the main light. The lamp was much dimmer and calmer, offering a warm glow that was just luminous enough for us to see our surroundings. I climbed into my bed- the same one we were sitting on when we were about to kiss- and threw the covers over my body. Nishinoya settled into his spot on the floor.
       I felt a little bad that he had to sleep all the way down there by himself whilst I got to be up on my bed, but I also knew we didn't have time to set up a futon. It would be too loud to as well, getting one from downstairs.
       "Ready?" I asked, leaning over the edge of my bed and holding the beaded cord that you pulled to turn the lamp on and off.
       I switched off the lamp, leaving us in darkness to try and fall asleep.
Nishinoya's POV:

        It had been no more than half an hour since we had settled in to sleep, and I still restlessly layed there on the floor. What happened? I was so sleepy before, and now I can barely get comfortable. I turned onto my right side to face Asahi's bed. He was on his back, his arms over his head and covering his eyes from what I could see. I wonder if he's having trouble falling asleep too.
       "Asahi," I whispered to him, expecting him to have drifted off to sleep by now.
       "Yeah? Is something wrong?" He spoke so silently, it made my heart race. He uncovered his face and shifted onto his left side to look at me.
        "No, it's just... I can't sleep."
Asahi paused for a moment. "Me neither. Are you uncomfortable down there? Do you need another pillow?"
I shook my head, then began to think. Maybe if I ask nicely.. or if I just go for it...
       I sat up, then slowly brought myself to my feet. Asahi looked up at me with a perplexed look.
       "Could you... move over? I need some room," I felt my hands shake as I asked. Thank god it was dark enough so that he couldn't see blush form on my cheeks.
        He hesitated, but quickly scooted backwards towards the wall, lifting up his blanket so that I could slide in. I felt my heart race as an overwhelming amount of happiness flowed through me.
       "Thanks," I whispered under my breath as the blanket fell over the both of us. Hell yes!
       I snuggled into the pillow and leaned forward into Asahi's collarbone, nuzzling my head against him. It took him a minute, but eventually he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer, scooping me up in his big arms. I could feel his warm breath on the top of my head, along with the constant rise and fall of his body. I closed my eyes and breathed with him.
I felt his lips press against my head, then airy words escaped from his mouth.
       "Nishinoya," he mumbled. "I love you."
       I felt like a weight had been immediately lifted off of me. Those were the words I longed for. I felt tears form in the corners of my eyes as I whispered back,

"I love you too."

The End

Some fanart for you because you're so special and you bared with me taking so long to finish ❤️

Some fanart for you because you're so special and you bared with me taking so long to finish ❤️

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Comment if you want an Epilogue for this story~

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