Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Lilly could barely breath. She was running for her life. Someone was chasing her, and she was frightened to death. She was/is deathly scared of the man chasing her. He hurt her to much, and she needs to escape to save herself. Lilly never thought that she would escape the wrath of Alex.

Then she started hearing footfalls from behind her. She picked up her pace, and kept running. Then she felt an arm wrap around her waist, and a hand over her mouth to keep her screams muffled. She did scream while thinking it was Alex, but stopped when she felt the material of a suite.

"Don't be afraid of me. I am going to help you." the man's voice whispered in her ear. His voice sounded like sooth, silky velvet. Lilly thought as he slowly let her go. Then the man turned her around to face him.

This man is very. . .beautiful. Lilly thought once more, and she studied his face. His eyes stood out the most, other than his slightly pale skin. The mans skin looked like it was glowing the slightest bit from the moonlight.

The man's eyes looked black, but she knew for a fact that they weren't black. They must be a different color right? She thought as she gazed into his eyes. If they were indeed black then how would it look like compared to his god like skin? She added to her thoughts.

Neither of them could utter a word because they were shocked by the beauty they saw.

Wow she is beautiful. Elijah thought to himself as he stared into Lilly's eyes. He saw her beautiful green eyes, and felt trapped. He felt like he could stare into her eyes for eternity.

Elijah moved his hand up, and put some hair behind her ear. He felt shocks going through him, and he enjoyed the feeling.

Lilly could feel shocks where he touched her, and she loved the feeling. Then there was a crunch of dried up leaves that made Lilly snap back to reality, so she self consciously took a few steps back.

"We need to go." Elijah informed her, and picked her up bridal style. They felt the sparks again. Elijah gave her a comforting smile, seeing that she was a little worried, before speeding off to a town called 'Mystic Falls'.

Lilly started to panic, because she had realized that he was a vampire. Then she had instantly relaxed, knowing that he wouldn't hurt her. If he was going to, then he would have right then wouldn't he have?

Then they arrived at a beautiful mansion. She instantly knew that he was wealthy. It explains a lot about the suite.

Elijah set her down, and walked to the front door. She followed behind him, and when she saw the inside , curiosity erupted through her. She wanted to explore the place. Elijah chuckled at her, so she looked at him questionably.

"You look like a curious little kitten." He commented, which made her blush slightly. He walked up to her, and brushed her cheek with the back of his hand. She stared up at him with wonder.

"Do you live here alone?" She asked. Her British accent was like music to Elijah.

I Will Always Protect You (Vampire Diaries/Supernatural Fan Fic) *ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now