"Everything's fine here. I think nothing is missing." Chifuyu stated as he pass the paper back to her.

"So, when are we gonna buy the materials?" He ask. "I'm fine when ever." He added.

"Then... will after school be alright?" Y/n ask him to which he nodded.

After that, their homeroom teacher entered the classroom stopping their conversation as the class started.

Third period, English

In the middle of the lesson, Chifuyu notice that y/n was writing something on her text book. He look at her book and saw her doodling on the free spaces on her page.

It seems like the teacher also notice what she's doing and called her. "L/n-san, please read the first stanza."

Y/n was caught unprepared as she immediately stood up and said, "Hai!" She then look at Chifuyu beside her silently asking him what part.

Chifuyu pointed at one part of his book before discreetly hiding his smile. Y/n saw where Chifuyu pointed and began to read the first stanza.

"Let me not to the marriage of true minds
Admit impediments. Love is not love
Which alters when it alteration finds,
Or bends with the remover to remove."
(A/N: Yeah. Some Shakespeare we're having huh. It brings back memories...)

After that she sat down and began to pay attention to the class again. She didn't want to be called out to read or answer to the while class again.

"Thank you, L/n-san." The teacher said before he break down the poem by part and explain whatever he finds and digs a deeper meaning behind each words.

After class~

The final bell rings signaling that school hours is over making some students go to their after school club activities and some eager to go home.

Chifuyu waited for y/n to finish putting her things inside her bag before standing up. "Let's go buy the materials now." He said beckoning her to follow him.

"Oh. Alright." Y/n said as they walk together to the shoe locker. After changing on their out door shoes, the two walk side by side towards the busy streets of Tokyo looking for the materials they'll need.

"Hey, hey. Chifuyu. Let's go eat first. I'm starving." Y/n said as she pulled Chifuyu's arm towards a crepe stand.

"Whaa?" Chifuyu uttered, eyes slightly widening for a second, when y/n suddenly pulled him to a crepe stand.

'Well, I guess we'll take a break from all the shopping huh.' Chifuyu thought as they stood in line waiting for their turn to order.

"Hey, Chifuyu. What will you get? I'll have (favorite flavor)." Y/n said while looking at all the different flavor available.

"Hmm. I'll have the chocolate one." Chifuyu stated as he took a glance at the different variety of flavors to choose from. "That's a good one." Y/n commented with Chifuyu nodding in agreement.

After eating they went back on buying their materials with Chifuyu carrying all the big and heavy stuffs in his arms and y/n carrying the lighter ones.

"Are you sure you don't need any help?" Y/n ask him in concern.

"It's alright, y/n-chan. I got this." Chifuyu reassured the girl. "We only have one thing left to buy, right?" He ask.

"Yup. I believe it's right over.... here!" Y/n stated as she walk towards an isle and saw what she's looking for. She grab it and walk towards the counter to pay for it with Chifuyu trialing behind her.

Now that they have all that they need, both y/n and Chifuyu are now lost on what to do next.

"Now what?" Y/n stated as they stand on one corner not knowing how to proceed next.

"I don't know..." Chifuyu answered standing beside her. "Do you wanna start making the project...?" Chifuyu suggested unsurely.

"It's fine by me but... where will we do that?" Y/n replied.

"Oh. Right." He nodded.


Then from out of no where someone called Chifuyu from the side.

"Chifuyu, what are you doing here?" A black haired woman ask stopping right in front of the two students. "Oh? Who's this?"

"Mom! Why are you here? I thought you're at work?" Chifuyu stated, surprised to see her mother here.

"Huh? My shift's over, son." His mother answered.

"Hello, Matsuno-san. I'm l/n y/n. It's nice to meet you." Y/n greeted as she bow towards Chifuyu's mother.

"Oh. Just call me auntie, dear y/n." Chifuyu's mother said as she grab her hand and pulling y/n towards her and linking their arms together.

Seeing this, Chifuyu let out a, "Mom!" Then he said an apology towards y/n for his mother's action.

"What are you apologizing for, son? It can't be that you're embarrass of your own mother?" His mom said while narrowing her eyes towards him.

Chifuyu gulp before saying, "No, I'm not.", while averting his eyes to the left.

"Good. So, what are you kids doing standing here?" She ask the two teens.

"We were stuck on where to do our project..." y/n trailed off in a reserved manner.

"Why don't you do it at my house? Come on, I'll give you a lift." Chifuyu's mom said as she started walking pulling y/n beside her.

"W-whaa? It's alright, auntie. I wouldn't want to be a bother." Y/n said as she tried to stop walking but chifuyu's mom was persistent in pulling her so she just gave up.

"A bother? No no, any friend of my son wouldn't be a bother to me. I'll be glad if you visit me often." Chifuyu's mom said then she look back to her son and said, "Hey, son! Are you moving or what? We'll leave you behind here."

Chifuyu watch his mother pulling his friend by her arm as he thought, 'Huh? What? Leave me behind? I thought I was your son?!' Then he hurriedly followed behind them as he look at y/n apologetically.

"Sorry, y/n-chan." He said as he walk beside her towards her mother's car.

They put their stuffs at the back of the car before they drive away towards Chifuyu's home.

Chapter End
(Not edited)

Yaayy finally done!

Sooo, how was it??

Thank you for reading everyone!


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