Chapter 3:Straggler

Start from the beginning

"What's your name?" Yuji asked with a bright smile. Y/N was in a  p a n i c, he looked around nervously.

"He probably can't talk, idiot" Megumi said in a bored voice, scolding Yuji for not taking the hint. 

"Hey! I- I knew that! Totally did!" Yuji defended himself. 

"Can you write it?" Nobara asked, pointing at the dirt. 

Y/N can't read or spell.

"Why would that make a difference? We can't even read" Yuji asked Nobara, she blushed in embarrassment for forgetting.

"I can sound out" Megumi inquired with a finger in the air. 

"Good for you" Yuji pouted. 

Y/N stared at them with dotted eyes, wondering what was going on. 

"He can be the villain, since all we've been doing is be heroes with nothing to do. Is that okay with you?" Nobara asked, smiling at the shorter male. Y/N nodded immediately. 

"Great! What should he be bad for?" Yuji asked. 

"For money?" Megumi asked. 

"No that's dumb" Nobara said with her tongue sticking out. 

"I got it!" Yuji shouted, raising his hand. 

"What is it, Yuji?" Nobara called on him. 

"He is a villain known, for stealing pants" Yuji said. 

"That's stup-" Megumi started but was interrupted. 

"That's brilliant! Okay, so you steal pants okay?" Nobara said, looking at Y/N. He nodded with a thumbs up, his h/c hair bouncing with his nod. 

"Alright, let's do this" Nobara smirked, Yuji and Megumi nodded in agreement. 

The trio was running through the park, looking for the "villain". 

"We have people telling us their pants are being stolen" Yuji reported, rolling behind a tree. 

"Tell us when we have eyes on him" Nobara commanded, tripping over Yuji as she rounded a tree. 

"I found him" Megumi stated in a bored voice. 

Yuji and Nobara looked up and saw Y/N sitting on the grass, looking at a butterfly that was a few inches from his face. 

"What a wholesome villain" Yuji said with a small tear in his eye. 

"He's so cute, let's leave him be" Nobara joined, both her and Yuji hugging each other because of Y/N's cuteness. 

"What heroes" Megumi replied. 

"Yuji let's go home!" 

"Come on Nobara!" 


"Awww man, alright then! I'll see you guys later!" Yuji smiled, rushing away. 

"Bye guys" Nobara waved, running off another way. 

"Bye" Megumi muttered, leaving towards his dad. 

Y/N looked at the three retreating kids, watching as they left with their parents. From what Y/N remembered, he had a mom before getting taken away by the bad people. 

"No sign of the kid here either" the hero, famously known as All Might, sighed as he walked through the park. Y/N gasped and hid behind the tree Nobara and Yuji had used as cover. 

"Well, it didn't help that you terrify the kid everytime you see him" Aizawa said with a glare, his hands stuffed in his pockets. 

Y/N peaked his head out in curiosity, he was terrified of All Might. Eraserhead on the other hand, didn't make him as nervous.

"We'll try again tomorrow, it's getting dark" Aizawa sighed, walking away from the number one hero. Y/N hugged panda close and started following after the hobo hero. 

And Aizawa never once figured out, that he had a tiny straggler following him to his house.

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