Chapter 5

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You look at the clock and wonder why your secretary hasn't come to remind you about dinner yet. After your husband asked her to take care of you better, she has never failed to accompany you when you work overtime and prompt you to eat when the clock strikes seven. After starting a project with the Jung's, you spend even more time in the office, and your headache gets stronger every now then. The only relief you get is at home, when you're with your husband and friend, Taehyung.

You let yourself be open and comfortable with after you've realised that avoiding the whole situation isn't the best way. Taehyung is an amazing person, and tiu might be slightly regretting that you didn't try to get to know him earlier. He's not s stuck-upblike when you first thought because of his quietness. He's actually really laid-back and he can get really, really loud. Every Saturday, you obligated each other to spend the night together watching movies that the other hasn't watched yet.

He can get very enthusiastic when it's his turn. You can't help but agree that Spiderman is the best best Avenger when he's sming at you like and excited kid.

You finally shut down your laptop and stretch your body, which got stiff from sitting for hours. You look back to your glass window and admire the city lights beneath you. It makes you smile that something unclear can still look beautiful. It's like your status with Taehyung. You're married and you dare say you're really good friends, but you're not sure where your boundaries lie.

Yet it still makes you feel warm satisfied.

Your phone's ringing brings you back to your senses.


The caller ID makes you giggle. One night, you decided to exchange phones and let each other explore, in order to build trust and openness. You didn't really want to invade his privacy precipitously, so you only browsed his gallary and smile at countless dorky pictures of him with his friends.

"Hey, why is my number save like this?" he asked and showed you screen of your phone with his contact information on display.

You pursed your lips in wonder. "Why? Isn't your name Kim Taehyung?"

"You should only do that for your business partners. At least just save mine as Taehyung or something shorter."

"As if there's anything shorter than Taehyung."

He shook his head in disapproval. He leaned on his side of the sofa and started typing. You watched him even take a selfie with a pout. He showed you his updated contact with wide smile.

He renamed in as just Tae Tae and put a cute contact photo.

You rolled your eyes and took your phone for a closer look. You used to not stand being in the same room as him, but now you can nonchalantly put your feet on his lap. "This doesn't look like someone with a douchebag's name."

"Hey, did you just call me a douchebag?"

"No, I said you have a douchebag's name."

"The only douchebag I know is one named Jin hyung."

You laughed. Since you wanted to make the relationship work, you also had to get to know Taehyung's friends. On his birthday, he invited them to your home and you learned their names and personalities.

"Jin isn't a douchebag," you defended while giving back his phone to him. "He just has an inflated self-worth to further imbalance his lack of social grace."

"Sound like a douchebag to me."

It was your first inside joke with Taehyung so you would remember that moment a lot. It led to you teasing him for being childish, hence finally settling with a silly nickname, Taehyunggie.

You finally answer your phone with smile. "Hello, husband."

"Hey there wife."

You shake your head with a smile. Ever since the party, you've been calling each other like that as a joke. "To what do I owe the pleasure of your time?"

"To Namjoon hyung, I'm afraid," he plays along. "I called to tell you that he's inviting us on his birthday party tonight. Were celebrating at Jeon Club, as usual."

It makes you feel warm that he tells you about these things. You certainty don't believe that he need permission to go—he's not a child and you're definitely not his mom. But he respects you enough to enough to inform you where he'll be, unlike before when you have to ask everybody else just to find him.

"Have fun then," you reply.

"You won't come?"

"Oh," you realise. "Were you asking me to come?"

"Yes. I said he's inviting us, not just me. They actually want to see you more than me."

You snickered. You know the humour of those boys. Namjoon can get away with that but if it was Jin who side it, he'll be found dead in a ditch soon enough.

Your stomach grumbles, and your head starts to ache on a particular spot again.

"Sorry, Tae," you say sincerely, "I'm still at the office, and I'm having a headache. I think I'll just ruin the party by not being as lively as them."

"Oh, you don't have to say sorry Y/n! It's fine. I'd rather you just rest too than suffer from Jungkook's drunk self. He gets ten times more hyper, who wouldn't thought? You go home and rest now. Have you eaten dinner? I asked your secretary to get you some cake from your favorite shop. You deserve a reward for working hard."

That must be why your secretary didn't call on time then. "Thank you, Tae."

"You're welcome. I'll see you later then?"

"Yeah. Greet Namjoon for me and give him a kiss."

"Will omit the last part."

You put your phone down just in time for you secretary's knock. She came in holding a box from your favourite pastry shop. You definitely married well.


You wake up in the middle of the night at the sound of your phone ringing. You sit up and try to remember why your sleeping at the sofa.

Right, you were waiting for Taehyung to come home. What time is it?

Your phone makes a sound again, so you pick it up from the coffee table. It's a text message from Jimin, the third in a span of ten seconds.

We're outside. Open the gates Y/n before we wake up the whole neighbourhood

You want to roll your eyes at his exaggeration but remembering what Taehyung said about Jikook—Jungkook's drunk behaviour, you hasted to put your slippers on and go out.

Jungkook isn't with them, thankfully, but Jimin is waiting for you with furrowed brows. Knowing your friend, he can also wake the neighborhood by his nagging about whatever he's upset about.

"Your husband made a scene at the bar," he answer before you can ask what's wrong.

You peek at Taehyung, who seems peacefully asleep on the passenger side. Jimin's words don't even make sense. Taehyung look like a sleeping baby.

"We were all talking and having of n but suddenly, he threw a bottle at Jin."

You gasp. It must be a huge fight if they got violent. "Oh my God! Was he hurt?"

"No Taehyung just asleep after lashing out hard."

"I meant Jin."

"Ah," Jimin realises. "Well, he was crying, but I think its from being too drunk. He's used to being Taehyung target. He'll be fine."

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