Subaru: Right after the White Whale battle....

Regulus: Then no.



Subaru: Why?!

Regulus: I have no idea what your talking about. White Whale battle? When did that happen? And how do you know when that Archbishop will strike? To me, it just sounds like the ramblings of a madman.


Regulus: So, how about this? If you manage to proof to me that some whale battle will happen including the whole attack of some bishop, i'll help you out of the kindness of my heart. Though, it's not like i'll actually have to help or anything. After all, it's nothing but ramblings of a madman. Now, i'll ask you to stop intruding on my rights, authority and individuality.

With that, Regulus closed the door in Subaru's face, leaving Subaru with quite a problem in his hands.



Subaru, Emilia, Rem and Roswaal were currently riding towards the Capital in their carriage.

Roswaal: My~ Is something wrong, Subaru-kun? Your usually not this gloomy.

Subaru: O-Oh. It's nothing really. I was just thinking about some stupid thoughts.

Emilia: Are you sure? You're usually soooo energetic.

Subaru: Don't worry about it, Emilia-tan. I'm fine see?

He gave Emilia a fake smile, which she seemed to suprisingly buy.

But Rem had a skeptical look on her face, but she didn't say anything about it.


Regulus was walking through the large garden of the Roswaal mansion, he enjoyed the new silent atmosphere. After all, usually the whole mansion was noisy due to Subaru's antics.

He had a calm smile on his face, he was going to enjoy the silence the best he can.

But of course, he heard someone calling for him, he just couldn't get the peace he wanted.

At first he thought it was the pink haired maid, but the voice didn't match up. And when he looked towards the direction the voice came from, he saw the same little girl that he saw once in that weird magic library.

Beatrice: Why are you looking at me like that, I suppose?

Regulus:....Hah? You wanted my attention, didn't you? So why are you suddenly questioning the fact I turned to face you? Didn't you want my-

Beatrice: Honestly, Betty couldn't care less about that, Betty would appreciate if you took this more seriously.

Regulus: You! Not only do you interupt me in the middle of my speech, but now you demand that I take something more seriously?! What makes you think that I don't take this seriously? Do you think that you're sooo much better than me because your some Great Spirit?! The only thing your good for is being enslaved to someone while they use you for fighting or whatever they use spirits for! Not only that but-

Beatrice: Betty doesn't need to listen to your chidlish tantrums, Betty only wants to know if-

Suddenly the large patch of grass next to Beatrice got completely flattened by something, if Beatrice would have gotten hit by that then.......

Beatrice and Regulus glared daggers at eachother, the atmosphere was so tense that you could cut it with a knife.

Beatrice:....You know what? Forget Betty asked. You're not even worth speaking to.

Beatrice then turned around and started walking back to the mansion.

Regulus: Ha?! What's up with you?! You came to ask me something, but then you disrespected me and violated my rights multiple times, but now that i'm standing my ground, you just decide to go away? After you already wasted so much of my precious time? I'm not one to brag, but it's quite obvious that i'm a perfect being unlike a disgusting spirit like yourself. And while I am the perfect being and as such I have a lot of patience with people, but it just seems to me that you are trying to piss me off just so you can pity me! Don't you dare try and pity me, who the hell do you think you are you damn spirit?! Who gave you the right to treat me, ME! Like this?!

By the time he was finished, Beatrice was right infront of the door of the mansion. And with a final glance that showed absolute pity and disgust in her eyes, she entered the mansion, finally leaving Regulus alone.

He was about to continue his little walk around the mansion, but he suddenly felt something......



His connection with Emilia and Rem......was becoming weaker.

Almost 2000 words.

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