And what her stepmom said was absolutely fake as she must be salty about her reviving into the family which might've stolen Mijoo's place-it's not originally hers anyways.

Jongseong wanted to burst into laughter but just held it back with a whisper to Jaemin who also grinned after hearing the young man's witty remark.

❝ Hyung did you hear that too? She sounds so fake, I wanna wheeze so bad. ❞ Pursing his chapped lips into a thin line, the scientist told the younger to chill down as they still needed to show some respect for Mijin's dad.

❝ I already know Jongseong but who's this young man right here? ❞ , Myungsik questions about Jaemin who's neatly dressed up in his ink-like suit as the charmer flashed a smile alongside a bow.

❝ Jaemin, my cousin brother, who is also you and mom's nephew. ❞ Mijin reminded since she still couldn't forget how her cousin was nice enough to treat her as a real sibling. How did she really end up at her cousin's house for real though?

❝ Jaemin..? As in Nana? ❞ The grown-up young man chuckled at his home nickname still being called by the elders once again as he felt loved like the little child they used to know. ❝ Yes, uncle Myungsik. It's me. ❞ The well-mannered boy embraced a small hug with his uncle who wasn't capable to process what's going on.

❝ How did our Mijin end up at your home though? ❞ The question which everyone wondered the most but Jaemin didn't like the idea that he had to share the persona matter with Mijin's stepmom Hwang Mina in the same room as them.

❝ Our mom was taking us on a field trip back at my birthday in 2010 and she somehow saw Mijin all alone and being hurt in the forest with scars. She wouldn't tell us how she got there and kept on mumbling that please "don't take me home" and didn't remember about her past. ❞

Sounded pretty much like a drama but Jaemin had no other choice but to believe since he saw a hurt little Mijin being so traumatised about her tainted past with his own eyes. Even she herself couldn't reminisce what happened when she's 8 years old.

Jaemin's family have never seen Mijin being born into the Hwang family as they're always secretive so they had no chance to figure out that it was his cousin or not.

What CEO Hwang Myungsik knew was that his beloved daughter died at a young age of a car accident as soon as after his wife's death. But didn't expect things to be turn out this different.

Seems like he'll have to investigate how his daughter got kidnapped, thoroughly later on.

❝ We just found out a few years ago and was just waiting for our Mijinie to be ready. ❞ The brotherly figure caressed his younger cousin's hair before patting her head slightly.

❝ I'm just glad that our Mijin's back at home safe and sound thanks to you two. Well done boys, you deserve a repayment soon. ❞ , Jongseong shyly laughs since he wasn't used to getting praised like this as Jaemin just wrapped an arm around Jongseong's shoulder.

At least their plan worked and that wasn't so nice for some others.


❝ Cheers! ❞

Turns out, the group of friends-well basically Jay's friends decided to hang out with the two soulmates afterwards as they raised their cups of beer.

❝ Yah, why did you even come along to third wheel? Y'all have your own soulmates anyways. ❞ The resentful boy playfully nagged at his annoying friends who just followed along like plaguing children that he's worried that they might annoy his precious lover Mijin.

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