Rocking Brew

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      It was one of the hottest days ever in Toronto. Everyone was out walking, biking, playing sports, and more. Meanwhile two very famous rockstars sat in their recording studio about to show off their new demo.

      "I think you'll love this song." Jeffery Styles said cheerfully to his music producer and his bosses. "It's one of the best songs John and I have ever written."

      "Agreed." John Harom said. "I'll play it." John pressed play and everyone listened to the song from beginning to end. Then the music producer and the bosses huddled together to agree if this song was ready to be finalized.

      The huddle disbanded and the music producer looked at the musicians with such cheerful eyes. "Incredible!" He shouted. "This is a spectacular song, we'll call you when we start the good copy, great job boys!"

      Jeffery and John thanked the crew and exited the building. They hopped into Jeffery's car and talked about how amazing everything had gone. They then exited the parking lot and talked about what to get for lunch.

      "I'm not hungry, but what about a drink ... like a cold brew?"

      "Great idea John, let's try McDonalds seeing as it's around the corner from here."

      The men drove a couple blocks and got to McDonald's. They ordered two cold brews and sat in their cars ready to taste them.

      "Hmm..." John murmured. "I don't like it, what about you?"

      "Me neither," Jeffery said. "let's go to a different place."

      "How about Starbucks, it's about a three minute drive from here."

      "Sure." Jeffery said. 

      They drove down the street for a few minutes until they got to Starbucks. Again, they ordered two cold brews.

      "Hmm..." Jeffery murmured, putting down the drink. "I don't like this either, what about you?"

      "Nope, another bust." John grabbed the drinks and chucked them into the trash box beside their car.

      "I have to go back to the studio." Jeffery said as John hopped back in the car. "I got a message from the crew, I have to record my solo part."

      "Sounds good, we'll find a good cold brew some other time." John replied.

      The two headed back to the studio and Jeffery went to record his solo. He recorded take after take until he became exhausted and went outside to get some fresh air. There he saw John pulling into the parking lot.

      "John? Where did you go?" Jeffery asked.

      "You won't believe what I got for us!" John exclaimed. "It's a Tim Hortons Cold Brew Coffee, they just came out and they taste wicked!"

      John handed Jeffery the cold brew and he took a big gulp. "It's ... fantastic! It has such a light, flavourful velvet taste! The Tim's Cold Brew Coffee rocks!" 

      Months later, the rockstar's named their new song Rocking Brew! They said they named it after the Tims' Cold Brew. They said it was good luck; and were correct. Rocking Brew became the number one song in North America!

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