He froze. He could feel her breath on the side of his neck.

"These last few months without you have been hard... I want to be with you." She confessed softly.

"please," she added, hoping he'd understand what her heart felt. "I am scared... of losing you."

Omkara took a deep breath, his eyes blinking. "Gauri,"

Gauri shifted her face slightly away from his. From that tone she knew that this wasn't going to be easy.

"My family is screwed up. Mom wants me to permanently move back to Indore. She has never said that before. She has always let me make my choices. Even when I wanted to study here in Bhopal. Then go abroad for further studies. For the first time...in years, she's asked me to stay at home."

Gauri held his hand firmly, patiently waiting for him to go on.

"Rudra is barley home, he's made a mess of his life. Priyanka is more interested in changing boyfriends than in making her career. Mom is pretty worried about them. She's... got a bad habit too, drinking. They're ... lost, Gauri. Way more in soup than I thought. I feel guilty... for running away. I was the eldest son. It was my responsibility to hold the family together after .... my mother's husband left us."

Gauri steadily snaked her arms around him. "Then go back Om, it's never too late."

"What can I possibly do? I think they hate me." Omkara's voice shook with an overpowering emotion.

"Do what you can... We can't change people, Omkara. But we can be there for them. Maybe your being around will get the family together. Maybe it will make your mother happy. Or maybe it will at least wash away the regret and guilt."

Omkara turned to look at Gauri. She could see the glimmer in his eyes due to unshed tears.

"It's a hell hole. I don't want to drag you in. I want to give you the life you deserve, Gauri."

Gauri sighed and rested her head against the wall. "They're your family, Omkara." Her gaze drifted out of the window. The sky was dark.

"They are!" He uttered resting his head against the wall, holding on to her hand.

Neither of them spoke for a while.

"I don't mind, as long as you're by my side."

A weak smile appeared on Omkara's face. "Would your parents marry their only daughter to a household like mine? My brother has fights that leave bruises every other day. My sister, well, her character is questioned upon by almost every other person in the neighbourhood. House is small and decent. Mother is ... becoming a habitual drinker and father is a parasite. Honestly, I wouldn't ever let my daughter stay with such people under the same roof."

"You missed out the most important part."

Omkara glanced at her.

"the man who respects women, is a kind, is loyal, responsible at most times... moderately good-looking,"

Omkara grinned, "You're being a little less precise... devilishly handsome..."

Gauri smiled, turning to look at him. Their eyes met. "You're everything I want, Omkara. Besides, if my parents don't agree... I will tell them I am carrying your baby!"

Omkara's jaw fell and he stared at her.

"What?" Gauri shrugged. "That's plan B. Just in case... I know my parents will support my choice."

Omkara blinked. "My mind had been adversely affected. Whatever has happened to my miss-two-goody-shoes?"

Gauri's lips twisted into a smile as he curved his arm along her shoulders. Her gaze rose up to meet his. A question floating in her eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2021 ⏰

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