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Junior:Was that a dream?! Was I actually gonna kiss that gay nerd?!
Junior:And why did I like it?! Why do I wanna kiss Cody now..?!
Junior:Whatever I'm just gonna listen to music..
Junior steals Chef pp's Headphones and started listening to music.

I'm just gonna skip the whole weekend because idk what else to Wright 🤷‍♀️

~6am Monday morning~
Junior:Ugh school AGAIN😐
Joseph:Hey dude!
Junior:Hey man!
Joseph:So uhm where's Cody?
Cody was walking down the hall totally ignoring Junior and Joseph.
Joseph and Junior decided just to follow him to the classroom.
Junior sat down in between Joseph and Cody.
Class didn't start for another 8 mins so everyone in the class was being crazy🙄
•Juniors POV•
•I still can't get that dream out of my head..Now I feel like I like this nerd..I feel like I wanna hol-NO NO you don't wanna HoLd HiM-I just need to stop thinking about this..•
Junior:I-Yea Joseph?
Cody:Junior class starts in 2 minutes so you might wanna get your notebook and pencil out..
Junior:oh oh okay!
Cody:Okay good! I just don't want you to get in trouble :)
Junior blushed
Jackie chu:Tonight we are having a school dance! So if there is anyone in this room that you wanna ask to the dance ask them now.
Junior felt flustered.
•Juniors POV•
•Holy shit do I ask a girl or Cody to the dance?! •I mean all the girls usually say no when I ask them..And I know Cody won't say no..WHAT DO I CHOOSE?! A HOT GIRL OR THIS UGLY NERD?!•
Junior finally made a decision.
Junior:Hey C-Cody..?
Junior:Are you going to the dance tonight?
Cody:Yea why?
Junior:Cause I was wondering if you would uhm..go to the..Dance with m-me..
Cody froze
Cody:OMG YES!!
Cody hugged Junior, Junior would have normally hated this but this time..He actually liked it!
Jackie chu:Alright crass the dance is at 7pm! Now leave.
Everyone in the class room ran out the door.

That's it for Chapter 4 :) chapter 5 will be out later today!

Fell in love with the nerd🤓❤️Where stories live. Discover now