Loki glared at you as you continued to laugh until you were wheezing.

He waited until you had calmed down, and were wiping away your tears.

"You done?"

"For now." You shrugged. "So. What did happen to the glorified building block?"

"It's 'The Tesseract'," Loki clarified harshly, "And-" His sentence was finished off in a mumble.


"A... cat... ate. It..." Loki struggled to say as if it was the hardest thing to do.

"A cat ate it?" you asked trying not to laugh again, "You sure it wasn't a horse?"

"What?! Why would it be a horse?"

"Oh. No reason..." You took a second to make sure you were walking the right way along the busy New York sidewalk, before quickly turning your attention back to Loki. "Anyway. Cat's don't eat things like that."

"Well, this one did!"

Your jaw dropped when you saw the slight fear behind the demigod's eyes, all because of a little cat.

"Are you really scared of a tiny, baby puddy tat?" you asked with a pout.

"Things came out of its mouth."


"Like tentacles."

"... have... have you been watching a little too much henti?"

"What's that?" Loki asked.

"Nothing," you replied hastily. "Not that you probably wouldn't like it," you muttered to yourself.


How you got onto the subject of your ex-partners. You didn't know. But, here you were!

Loki looked off into the distance as he spoke, "Ah, I remember my first girlfriend-"

"Are you seriously beginning to monologue, right now? Didn't think you were that much of a stereotypical villain."

"-She was beautiful."

"Horse. It was a horse, wasn't it?"

"She wasn't a horse!" Loki yelled.

"... she was a horse," you muttered in reply, nodding your head as Loki roared in frustration.

"Shh!" You placed a finger against your mouth. "It's hunting kitty season. Remember?"

Loki grumbled at you in response. You had to say. Loki in full camo paint and laying upon the dirt ground, amongst the trees, was pretty funny. You never imagined Loki to be the type of person, to get down and dirty. But hey, when he has someone like you to push him to do it... he has no choice.

He wanted you to help.

And "help" is what he was getting.

You weren't gonna do all the work.

Loki groaned. "What's taking so long?! When will this cat get a fucking move on?!"

"Do you mean you what this cat to "giddy-up"?"

"I will kill you."

Before you could utter your reply, with your mouth still open and your eyebrows scrunched, you listened to the whirring noise that was undoubtedly the sound of a remote-controlled, toy vehicle.

And you were right.

A green and orange monster truck was barreling its way towards you.

It made a sudden stop in-between yours and Loki's faces.

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