The Fall of the Castle of Lions (Full Chapter)

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SHIRO: "I'm not sure we should be letting everyone wander in and out of the Castle like this. It doesn't seem safe."

CORAN: "Oh, these Arusians won't hurt anything—"

[CORAN sees Arusians playing with a hover platter.]

CORAN: "... Much."

More laughter.

[CORAN cringes at the sound of them crashing.]

CORAN: "Besides, it's only fair to let them see the inside of a Castle that's been sitting on their planet for so long."

SHIRO: "But who knows when Zarkon will attack again? I'm going to do a perimeter check, just in case."

[SHIRO exits the Castle.]


[Near the Castle of Lions, SENDAK watches the Castle with HAXUS.]

"Oh shit" Katie cursed, quickly apologizing when her parents told her not to use that language.

HAXUS: "Commander Sendak, the Sentries are in position around the Arusian village."

SENDAK: "Luck is on our side. Look, the Castle defenses are down. The door is wide open. With all these Arusians coming in and out, it should be nothing for you to infiltrate."


HAXUS: "I may not have to. Look. The small one has a Galra drone they've repurposed. If I can just get close enough to clone its signature code, I can send our bomb drone in undetected."

SENDAK: "I knew you would not disappoint me, Haxus."

[HAXUS leaves for the Castle.]


[In the Castle vestibule, ALLURA watches the Paladins with the Altean Mice.]

ALLURA: "Look at them, the new Paladins of Voltron. The fate of the universe is on their shoulders."

[KEITH drinks Nunvill but finds it foul so he spits it out on HUNK. HUNK turns away and then reveals Arusian food stuck to his eyes.]

HUNK: "Ow, my eyes!"

[KEITH and HUNK laugh; ALLURA is unimpressed.]

They laugh along with their future selves.

ALLURA: "... I must portray strength, so no one can tell how concerned I am about the fate of our mission."

"Geeze, thanks" FKeith sarcasmed.

Future Allura blushed, "well, you weren't that well with being a team at that time and-"

"Relax Princess, I was only joking around"

She relaxed and smiled softly.

[The blue mouse with red eyes squeaks.]

ALLURA: "Let's... keep that a secret."

[The mouse squeaks again.]

ALLURA: "Who else has secrets?"

[The blue mouse with red eyes uses another mice as a demonstration.]

ALLURA: "Hunk tried to eat what? That is rather amusing. What other secrets?"

[The blue mouse with blue eyes pretends to be LANCE shooting things and posing.]

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