What the title says

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Wise girl is on:Hey anyone on?

Seaweed Brain is on:Hey Annabeth!

Wise Girl:Percy!

Goddess of love is on:Oh my..Percy how are you?

Seaweed Brain:Um...good..

Goddess of love:How about you dear Annabeth?

Wise Girl:Good...

Seaweed Brain:Annabeht I have to ask you something.

Wise Girl:What is it Percy?

Seaweed Brian:Will you go out with me?

Wise Girl:Ummm...No.

Seaweed Brain:WHAT. WHY!!

Wise Girl:Percy calm down I was just kidding.I would love to go out with you.

Goddess of love:How cute!

Seaweed Brain:Annabeth,how about we go on some other chat.

Wise Girl:Sure.

Wise Girl is off.

Seaweed Brain is off.

Goddess of love:Well that was just rude of them!

Goddess of love is off.


Plz give me some ideas of who should be on chat!


Luv u all!!


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