(The 11th Hour) Mad man in hand cuffs

Start from the beginning

"How many rooms?" he says after studying me for a few seconds.

"I'm sorry what?" Amy asks looking at him.

"On this floor. How many rooms on this floor? Count them" he looked between me and Amy as he asks this.

"Why?" I was curious and slightly scared at what he was getting at.

"Because it will change your life."

"Five" Amy started.

"One, two, thee, four, five-" I finished counting before I was interrupted by the man.



"Look" I have looked and there's five. Amy voiced what I was thinking.

"Look where?"

"Exactly where you don't want to look. Where you never want to look. The corner of your eye. Look behind you" he didn't take his eyes off us while he said this kind of scaring me at the same time as intrigued me. Amy started turning around looking through the corner of her eye, until she was turned around with her back to us looking at something that wasn't there.

"That's, that's not possible. How is that possible?" I was very confused at what she was shocked at but I wouldn't take my eyes off the man, not until he gave me a slight nod signalling for me to look and I did. but that door has never been there.

"There's a perception filter around the door. Sensed it last time I was here. Should have seen it."

"But that's a whole room. That's a whole room I've never seen" I am too focused on the door to talk but Amy seems to have dropped the act due to shock.

"The filter stopped you noticing. Something came here a while ago to hide. Its still hiding and you need to uncuff me now" he started talking a lot quicker in tempo and louder at the end, clearly uneasy with being restrained.

"I don't have a key, I lost it" Amy said nonchalantly like it was nothing, but it was definitely something.

"How could you have lost it?" me and the man said at the same time causing us to look weirdly at each other before he notices Amy's advance to the mystery door.

"Stay away from that door!" he's ignored "Do not touch that door" he is ignored yet again "Listen to me, do not open that-" and she opened it. "Why does no one ever listen to me? Do I have a face that nobody listens too?" he says asking me I just shrug at his question. If I'm being honest, he kinds does.

"Ok Amy, maybe listen to the mad man! Come back" she doesn't even listen to me! She just waltzes into this room we have never noticed. The man ruffles through his pockets looking for something quickly looking at me.

"Screwdriver, where is it? Silver thing, blue at the end. Where did it go?" I have no idea what he is talking about.

"Amy the mad man is asking for his screwdriver. Maybe get out of the creepy room and help me here?" I shout to the door getting uncomfortable with Amy not being safe.

"Stop calling me a mad man" he says looking to me.

"But that's exactly what you are. A Mad Man"

"There's nothing here" we hear Amy talk from the room.

"Whatever's there stopped you seeing the room. What makes you think you could see it? Please just get out!" he shouts as he keeps looking around for his 'screwdriver'.

"Silver, blue on the end?" we hear Amy ask from the mystery room.

"My screwdriver. Yeah"

"It's here" why does this keep getting stranger and stranger?

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