"No." Dad answered softly after the long thoughtful silence. A wave of relief washed over Michael. At least today might be easier than the others.

The two sat in bed and talked for a while before deciding to head downstairs for breakfast. Dad continued to hold Michael's hand as they went through the halls and down into the foyer.

"I remember that." Dad said, looking up at the chandelier. "I paid one of my friends to build that. Flush or Fish or something."


"Right. Foolish, yes." His dad smiled. "He actually built this entire mansion. It took him a long time and it cost me a lot of gold to-" Dad cut himself off when he looked back to Michael, "but you probably know all of that, don't you?" He said with an awkward smile. Michael swallowed the angst rising in his throat and pulled himself closer to his dad without a verbal response.

The two of them made it to the kitchen. It was big like everything else in the house. All of the windows faced the backyard where a beautiful garden full of flowers and sculptures could be seen. There was a big table in the center of the room with three chairs. Michael didn't have the heart to throw out the third one. Luckily, his dad didn't question the arrangement, instead he headed straight towards the cupboards.

"I may not have the best memory, but I do know how to make killer waffles." He said cheerfully. "That is, unless we had them yesterday?" He turned around to ask Michael the cautious question. Michael shook his head in response and his Dad's eyes filled with joy. "Great, get ready for the best waffles of your life." He chirped. Michael sat at his chair and tried to hide his smile. They'd been having waffles for breakfast the past five days, but Michael wasn't about to complain. His dad's waffles really were the best.

Dad asked Michael to set the table while he prepared the food. It was almost like they were a normal family again, but the thought of happy normalcy made the pit of guilt in Michael's stomach roll and ache, so he tried to set aside those feelings and just get through the day.

After his dad finished making the waffles, the two of them sat at the breakfast table and shared old stories with one another, even though it was mainly Michael telling the old stories and correcting his father on his.

"So what Tommy would do was; he'd go into either Phil or Techno's house completely unannounced, and then all you'd hear were the sounds of dozens of chests being open." Dad smiled the whole time he told the story. Michael hadn't heard this one in a while and the way his dad talked about Tommy made him laugh.

"I can't believe Mr. Innit used to do stuff like that." Dad nearly choked on his orange juice at Michael's comment.

"Do not call him 'Mr. Innit'." He said out of breath from laughter which made Michael burst out into laughter as well. The two continued to laugh until it naturally died down a few moments later. Dad smiled at Michael and for once, Michael felt safe.

But then his dad's eyes shifted to the empty chair across the table. Confusion washed across his face as he looked at the chair.

"If it's just the two of us, why the third chair?" He asked. Michael looked down at his plate and poked at some of the left over waffle bits with his fork.

"It's just for guests." He said. He hated lying to his dad, but they were having such a great time. He didn't want it to be ruined. A moment of silence hung over them before Michael decided to break it.

"Want me to wash the dishes?" He asked as he stood from the table. Dad slowly pulled his gaze from the chair and nodded.

"Sure kiddo." He handed Michael his empty plate and glass and Michael headed to the sink to wash them. As he cleared off the syrup and butter from the plates, he looked outside to the garden.

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