"That is taken care of." My dad pulled from his pocket a card and handed it to me.

There in my hands sat a Washington drivers license. I couldn't tell what picture they used for it because the only think I could really make out was my face. I was pretty. And I was 16.

"Won't they know its not real?" I asked slightly concerned about the rule breaking.

My father shook his head. "It's actually real therefore its not fake. It's in the system and everything so no worries. Just try not to get into trouble."

My mother handed me a black and white polkadot wallet. "Put your license in there." She added.

Opening it up I slipped the card into its allotted spot and the peeked curiously at all the other items. There was a small list of emergency contacts and addresses. Several credit cards, each labled for a different purpose - gas, food, clothes, recreational, emergency- then there was another small card which was a passport. Lastly in the money area sat more then five hundred dollars in cash. four one hundred dollar bills, five twenties and a couple tens.

"Why do I need all this?" I asked as I quickly closed the wallet and sat it on the piano.

My mother picked it up and crossed the room to a small closet that I hadnt noticed earlier. Opening it she pulled out a fancy looking messenger book bag and stuck it securly in a hidden pocket. Then I watched her go over to my desk and begin placing things in it. My laptop, camera, ipod and a brand new phone were amongst the items. Once she was done she crossed the room to my door and hung it on a hook on the wall. This all took less then ten seconds.

"You are a woman to society so naturally you have to be somewhat dependent on yourself. We won't always be able to be there for you so we want to make sure that you are able to take care of yourself when we aren't." My father said.

I felt my inside clench as I remembered the first close call with the Volturi.

"You shouldn't come into any harm or trouble but its just incase the unthinkable happens thats all." My father added as he read my thoughts.

"So tomorrow at school try and make friends." my mother told me as she rejoined my side, wrapping her arm around my shoulder.

I nodded my head. "So I am allowed to have friends?"

My mother and father nodded their head.

"It's different here. Whenever we live here at the lake house we don't have to hide too much. This place is where we can be the most human. I'm sure you noticed while we were outside that because of the proper shading here despite the sunlight we don't sparkle."

I nodded my head.

"We don't have to hide here only outside of the property do we have to take into consideration what the weather will be like."

"That's nice." I grinned.

I was so excited. I would get to be normal like other teenagers. I would get to go to school and make friends. I could go out on the town by myself. I could even probably have friends over and slumber parties.

"Just remember what aunt Rosalie told you about the boys." My mother said quickly.

"And don't forget to keep the secret a secret. We don't need to give the Volturi another reason to think about coming after us." My father added. His expression seemed humourous but at the same time serious.

"But I thought you said we were safe?" I squeeked nervously.

"We are. I said 'think'. They already know what the ending outcome is if they try. Where there is death there will always be death." I shivered.

"That explains alot." My mother said more-so to herself. "I'm dead." she said as she gazed into my fathers eyes.

I looked at her dumbfounded. What was she getting at?

"The car incident at school, Port Angeles, James, you, Laurant, the cliff, the Volturi, Victoria, Renesmee. Vampire." She said as she counted on her hands. Then she grinned. "Every death I was supposed to succumb to I overcame. Except this one. My time wasn't really up it was just beginning."

I rolled my eyes as their conversation continued animatedly and moved to the piano where I began playing an overture from Tchiacovsky. After I had finished that I decided to go and pick out my outfit for school tomorrow.

Amongst my many outfits were a few that I recognized right away. These outfits belonged to my mother. I knew this because I had seen them in pictures of her. In the end I decided on a white chiffon dress. It intriguied me the most. Matched to it were a pair of sandal heels with a chunky wedge.

It was supposed to be sunny tomorrow which I was excited for since I had never really been in the sun. Thank goodness I only gave a faint glow in the sunlight. It was nothing that the human eye could really see since it was just a aura so I didn't ever have to hide.

I hung my outfit in the bathroom and then returned to the main part of my room just as my parents were walking out.

"Dinner is in thirty minutes Renesmee. Make sure you are washed up." My father said just before he closed the door.

I walked over to the windows and peeked outside. It was so beautiful here I couldn't believe it. Opening the doors I stepped out onto my balcony and breathed in the fresh air. Life was so perfect.

"Perfect." I whispered to myself just as the wind blew. I closed my eyes.

Sunlight - Book 3Where stories live. Discover now