He said and then winked at her, which made Sona blush and Tsubaki giggle

Tsubaki: He is brave for calling you Souna-Chan.

Sona: Let's just continue to what we were doing.

Sona and Tsubaki then started walking to their room, as well as the other students

Koneko thoughts: Wow, he just forgot about me and straight up went to President Shitori. I wonder if he likes her.... Meh I couldn't really care.

Koneko then left to go to her own class

During class Nobu was so bored that he didn't even bother listening to the teacher and just started thinking of stuff

Nobu thoughts: My god! This is so boring!! I just wanna shoot and burn something!

The teacher continued talking making Nobu even more bored

Nobu thoughts: Just shut the fuck up already! This shit is so boring!

Nobu then looked at issei

Nobu thoughts: God! Please just give me a time skip to the day this pervert dies!

After a few more boring minutes in class and Nobu just thinking of things, the bell finally rang indicating its the end of the school day

Nobu grabbed his bag, put on his hat and lifted the guitar, rested it on his shoulder and started walking towards the Student Council Room

Nobu thoughts: I should put spikes on this guitar. But the teachers are def gonna complain about it. I'll just make it made of magic so It can appear and reappear.

After a few seconds of walking and thinking to himself, he finally reached the student council room and knocked

Nobu thoughts: I should weaponize this guitar.

The door opened and revealed a light blue haired girl who blushed when she saw Nobu

???: Um, how may I help you?

Asked the girl

Nobu: Sup, I'm Oda Nobunaga, but you can just call me Nobu, and I am here cuz  Souna and I have a chess match. Can I go in now Miss Beautiful.

Nobu said winking at the girl making her blush harder

???: Su-sure.

Upon entering Nobu sees Sona with the chess board ready and the chess pieces by its side, he also noticed the other girls he saw during his werehouse escapade but there is also a dude he has never seen before

Sona: Nobu-kun, so you ready for our match.

Nobu: Yes, I am. BTW I haven't met the other members of the council yet. I've only met you, Tsubaki and the blue haired girl who's name I didn't ask.

Sona: The blue haired girl is Tsubasa Yura. And the others are-

Before she could introduce the rest of her peerage, Nobu shushed her. He then looked at Saji

Nobu: hmm, you must feel lucky, do you boy.

Boy: What do you mean?

Nobu: I said you must be feeling lucky that you got to be surrounded by lots of girls in the student council, since you are the only male member.

The boy didn't even reply since he has no idea how to respond to what Nobu said

Sona: Please don't tease him Nobu-kun. And his name is Saji Genishiro.

Nobu: I don't really care, and don't bother introducing them to me. I will probably forget their names.

Saji then whispered to the white haired girl

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