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I sigh as I do some more clicking on my computer. "Let me guess your stressing out aren't you" I nod softly. Ever since the day Jun-Woo asked me to marry him we've started planning everything but I never thought it would be hard to plan such an event. "How did you do it so easily" I pout and spin around in my chair "I didn't plan it. My wife planned everything" Dong-Wook says. Dong-Wook has been helping me plan since he knows better than anyone that I'm not a very good planner. I raise a brow "then I should have asked your wife to help me instead" he smiles and hums in response "that would be a good idea actually, you girls can get closer" he slides the chair over to my side and places a magazine down in front of me "that dress would look good on you" I take my eyes off my computer and look down at the dress and admire the white dress with some gold flowers embroid onto it. I smile but then it slowly fades "you don't think it's to much" I ask and Dong-Wook shakes his head "girl if it was to much I wouldn't even have showed it to you" I then snap my fingers "good point" I place a little star sticker that we bought as a bookmark kind of thing just to save everything we liked. "Oh look at this venue I found" I click on the pictures shown on the venue and Dong-Wook looks through them "it look nice. But i think you and Jun-Woo would have to agree on that together" I then nod "well yeah I'm just showing you options I need your opinion you are the only friend I have" I playfully punch his shoulder and he laughs "true" we both laugh and Dong-Wooks phone begins to ring and as he look at the contact name he smiles "duty calls I gotta go I'll see you tomorrow" he side hugs me and walks out. I continue to look at different venues for a while. "Hey you doing okay?" I look up from my computer seeing Jun-Woo on the door frame "yes but actually come here" I motion him to come near me with my hand and he does. "Whats up" he says as he sits in the chair Dong-Wook was sitting at before he left. "What do think of this venue" I ask as I show him the pictures "it looks nice" he says and i look at him with a 'are you serious' type of expression "if you don't like it we can always look at more" I say and he shakes his head "if you like it we'll go with that one" I sigh "no Jun-Woo this is something that we have to decide in together not just me" he smiles and rubs his hand on my back "why don't we go venue hunting tomorrow we'll call different venues today and visit them tomorrow" he suggested and I nod happily "that would be great actually. I never thought of that." I then take out the magazine that Dong-Wook had given me and open it up to the dress he showed me "what do you think of this dress" Jun-Woo then looks at it and smiles "I think I would have to see it on you in order to say that I like it or not" I laugh softly "no sir you know you can't see me in the dress it's bad luck" he chuckles "did you come up with a color scheme" he asks looking through the magazine and I pout slightly "no not yet" he sets the magazine down and spins me around to where I'm facing him. He grabs my hands in his "well I know one of them will be purple since my lady loves purple" I smile as he says that "why don't we just do purple and white" he nods smiling "sounds like a good combination" we smile "atleast now we agreed on something together" I say and we laugh. After spending almost all afternoon calling different venues to book appointments for tomorrow we booked atleast 10 "I think that should be enough if we aren't able to find one we both like we'll do the same the next day" I say and Jun-Woo nods agreeing with me. "Look i wanted to show you these center tables I found them as I was looking for venues" Jun-Woo says coming up to me and showing me some decorations "oh they are beautiful but babe they have blue in them" I say and he nods "I'm sure we can change the blue to some other color or maybe we can add baby blue to the color schemes" he suggest and I nod "that should be good" my stomach then starts to growl indicating that I was hungry. "I'ma go make some dinner" I say but Jun-Woo stops me before I could do anything "I'll just order some take out. You must be tired from planning all day so you just sit and relax and I'll order okay." I nod slowly and smile "good girl now go watch a kdrama or something" he kisses my forhead and walks away grabbing his phone to order some food. I do as I was told to do and make my way to the sofa looking through Netflix to see what show would be great to watch. At the end I couldn't decide on what to watch so I just put Angry birds. As I was in the middle of watching it Jun-Woo comes into the living room and sits next to me pulling me close to him "you just had to pick this movie" he says and I laugh "I didn't know what to watch so I just picked that" I laugh and continue "you really have some issues with those birds" he scoffs "how are they gonna call themselves birds when they can't even fly. They have to use slingshots to get places" he says and I laugh "and not to mention what kind of pig is green" he keeps making his comments as I laugh "babe it's a kids movie. Its just to catch the kids attention" he scoffs again "I'm just saying if I was a kid I'd be looking for a green pig at the moment" he says and I laugh "oh my God" I face palm myself and we continue to watch the movie while Jun-Woo keeps on making his comments.

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