"It's so suspicious though, you gotta admit. When Maki came into the salon, she said she wanted food and would be back in a second, but now she's saying she wanted a break! And why did she log Y/n out secretly? Hmm? Because they worked together to kill Miu?" Kokichi just smirks

Shuichi stays silent. He really doesn't want to admit it, but the evidence heavily points to either Y/n or Maki. So he just has to work extra hard to prove it isn't them.. hopefully.

The investigation continues, after a little while of searching, they go back into the virtual world to investigate more. Then, finally, it's the class trial.

"Well.. obviously the first thing we gotta discuss, what were Maki and Y/n doing?" Kokichi asks

"We've said it a million times already. We just wanted to take a break." Maki says

"Nuh-uh! When you came into the salon, you said you were getting food, but now you're saying something else.. and you also never mentioned anything about Y/n logging out too. So what do you two have to hide?" He laughs

Both Maki and Y/n have nothing to say to that.

"Are you guys not gonna deny it?" Tsumugi asks

"It's not what you think.. does it really matter what we were doing though? Can we not try and figure something else out?" Y/n suggests

"It does matter! If you want to hide it so bad, it must be important!" Keebo says

Y/n honestly wishes she was the culprit, it'd be less embarrassing having to explain that then what actually happened.

"Is it really worth hiding whatever you did this bad!? Our lives are on the line!" Kaito shouts

Maki and Y/n exchange a glance.

"..I think you already know what happened." Y/n says shyly, looking between Kaito and Shuichi.

Then they both realise.

"..Okay. Maki and Y/n definitely aren't the killers." Kaito says quickly.

"Y-Yeah.. I agree." Shuichi says

"Huuh!? You guys need to stop keeping secrets!" Himiko says

"Yeah! Now I'm even more intrigued!" Tsumugi complains

"G-Gonta think we should stop.. it ungentlemanly to snoop.." Gonta says

"You've all already invaded our privacy enough. It doesn't matter. Neither of us are the killers and that's that." Maki says

"Ehh.. I still want to know what they were up to.. but I guess I can trust Shuichi's judgement.. sooo.. fine! Maki and Y/n are innocent everyone!" Kokichi announces.

And like every other trial.. it's over in a flash. Something everyone expected least.. Gonta killed Miu.

Because of the outside world.. he thought he was saving everyone. He thought the outside world was so bad it'd be better to die than to escape.

His execution was like all the others, brutal.

"Dammit! Why did it turn out like this!?" Kaito says through gritted teeth

"Hey Kokichi.. why don't you tell us now? What's the secret of the outside world?" Maki asks

Kokichi just looks down sadly

"If you really cared for Gonta, explain yourself to everyone and-" Kaito begins

"I don't want to! Stupidhead!" Kokichi's mood changes in a second, suddenly he's grinning happily.

"Ah-hahahah! Oh man, did you fall for all that fake crying? You're so dumb! I would never cry for Gonta!"

"What.?" Shuichi says, he looks disgusted

"If I had told Gonta what I was actually doing, he woulda been reaaal mad. So I just lied. Of course I didn't make him do that to save everyone! I did it to make you all suffer! I enjoy nothing more than inflicting pain on everyone else!" He laughs, it's.. scary. How messed up he is.

"S-Seriously.. who the hell do you think you are?" Kaito says

"You.. you're messed up.. you killed Miu and Gonta for your entertainment! I wish Miu did kill you! I wish she had killed you ages ago!" Y/n yells, unusually angry

"Oh, just shut up." He walks straight up to her, and hits her as hard as he can in the face, she cries out and then topples over. "Oops.! Sorry, that was an accident. And is it just me, or are you waaay weaker than before? Didn't you get blasted into a brick wall and just walked it off?"

Y/n doesn't say anything, she just breathes faster than normal.

"Y/n! Are you okay.!?" Maki yells and then looks at Kokichi with piercing eyes. "You.. really want to die, don't you!?"

"Did I finally provoke you enough? Seriously? Because of that useless bitch? Jeez.. this whole time I thought you were only around her because you wanted to kill her, I mean, could I blame you? She's so annoy-" Kokichi couldn't finish, because nobody cared what he had to say anymore, they all rushed to help Y/n.

"Y/n, are you hurt!?" Tsumugi asks

"Can you stand? Do you need to lean on my shoulder?" Keebo says

"S-Sorry! My MP's at zero.. so I can't use any healing magic.." Himiko says

"Why are you helping that pathetic-" Kokichi says, but Shuichi cuts him off

"Pathetic? Look at yourself Kokichi. Y/n always has us by her side, but no one wants to be around you."

"Ahaha! You're talking about friends? Friends don't make this killing game more- Jeez. Boooring. I'm no longer interested. I don't care anymore. But just know.. I'm going to win this killing game!" Kokichi spat his words out, then left the room.

Y/n still doesn't say anything, she just still sits on the floor and holds her face.

"Y/n.. are you okay?" Shuichi asks

"It didn't seem like he hit you that hard.. but.." Maki says

"I-I'm alright.. just a little.. sore." She chuckles, but it's weak and not very convincing

"Are you sure!? You really don't look well.." Tsumugi says

"Honestly.. I'm perfectly fine.." Y/n smiles, then she stands up, a little wobbly, but she seems alright. Then her eyes widen a little, and she starts rushing to leave, but before she makes it to the door, she collapses onto her knees, and starts coughing uncontrollably.

"Y/n.!" Maki calls out and hurries over, the others follow too, and they see Y/n, covered in blood.

"What.!? Y/n.!?" Shuichi gasps a little

"Blood!? Why.!? What's wrong!?" Tsumugi yells

"Nothing's wrong.. I-I just.. I don't know.. I'm sorry.." Y/n says, trying to shake the blood off her hands

"What happened!?" Kaito says

"I said I don't know.! Really.. please.. d-don't freak out over this.. I'm.. I'm just gonna go.." She brings herself to her feet and leaves before anyone can stop her.

She quickly gets to her dorm and locks the door. She ignores the doorbell and all the knocks for the rest of the night. As long as she doesn't die.. it'll be fine. Everything will be fine.

Maki Harukawa x female reader ❀Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora