Chapter 1

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August 20th, 1992

Newt Scamander sat perched atop his large oak desk, his right hand flicking his wand to turn the pages of his book, his left gently caressing the speckled head of the creature resting beside him. 

Newt had a desk chair, a nice leather one at that, which swiveled and everything. He did this often, settling in odd places just because they suited him. If it were up to Newt, he would have no earthly possessions at all beyond the clothes on his back and his pale wand. 

It was Aunt Teenie who tried to make their cottage a home, filling each corner with a wing chair and adorning every wall with bright portraits and tapestries. 

The large beast stretched its paws out long, and swished its plumed tail under Newt's chin as it plopped itself into the desk chair.

"At least someone understands the purpose of a chair" Tina tutted as she entered the office, levitating a silver tea tray beside her. The tray floated its way across the room and landed without a sound in the large bay window.

"Hm?" Newt uttered, not removing his eyes from the text. Tina tousled his mess of graying hair and then ducked down to the floor. 

Tucked in the kneehole of Newt's desk was a small girl. She let out a gasp and pulled her jumper up over her nose, burying herself deeper into the dark corner. Tina reached out and poked at the girl's tummy with her wand. "Titillando," she whispered, and a purple light slithered around the girl's core.

She burst into a fit of laughter, tumbling over and wiggling out of her hiding place as she attempted to fight off the magical tickles bombarding her. As she rolled about the floor, her hair shifted quickly between different neon hues.

Rory's laughter filled the room with an infectious warmth, like the first spring sunlight you feel on your cheeks. Tina climbed up on her husband's desk, leaning into his shoulder and admiring her wandwork. 

"Alright, alright, five points to Teenie" Newt gasped between wheezes. With a flourish of his wand, the purple ribbons released the child, and her hair settled back to its typical caramel brown. She panted through the massive smile on her face and rolled over to face her guardians.

"No fair! I don't even have a wand yet!" the girl protested, pulling herself off the wide floorboards. This had been her favorite complaint ever since she turned eleven, to no avail. Uncle Newt and Aunt Teenie had their reasoning for everything, even if they didn't always share it.

"Ah, yes, but you're smaller than I am and far more clever, so you have better hiding spots" Tina added, pulling Rory up onto the desk to join them. Newt closed his book and swiped together the mess of papers to make room for the three of them. "All is fair in love and war darling" she cooed, kissing Rory's forehead.

"Oh good, we're comparing your summerlong game of hide-and-seek to war now?" Newt raised an eyebrow, and Tina shook her head. They looked into each other's eyes with the sort of love that could make even the thickest muggle believe in magic. As far as Rory was concerned, Newt and Tina were made for each other.

The three of them settled into a pile much like the sort they had been in hundreds of times before. Tina and Newt had an adult son of their own, Griffin, who was now in his 50s. Newt always wanted a girl, so they opted to add their names to the Underage Wizard Relocation Registry when Griffin left for school. 

Nothing came of it for years. To their surprise, Newt and Tina ended up taking custody of a 3-month-old girl in July of 1981. At 84 and 80 respectively, they were a bit old to be raising another child, but turning Rory away wasn't an option.


At the time, Newt and Tina were in New York as refugees. Voldemort was at large, and the Scamanders weren't the only ones fleeing.

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