Nature Chills

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The town woke at the crack of dawn.

Sitting up slowly, a girl blinked the sleep out of her eyes.

Today is the day, she suddenly realizes with a little thrill

Grinning widely, jumping from the bed and rushing over to the closet, throwing it open

There it was...

It had been delivered weeks ago and she had been longing for this moment

She could finally put it on

Reaching out a hand her fingertips gently brushed the soft, light fabric.

It was the color of the sky, not as most people picture it, a plain boring blue, but the way it really


A thousand beautiful colors swirling

Together, coming together and then apart, full of gradients and light.

On it goes

The fabric looked light and fragile but in reality, was one of the strongest materials in the world,

almost impossible to tear

With misted argent boots slipped on her feet she wound her hair into a long braid down the back.

By the time it finished the sun had started to rise, in perfect view through the floor to ceiling windows

The brilliant blond beams of light speared through the pale grey sky, casting a warm glow over her face

The dazzling rays fell upon her pale milky skin, making the fabric glitter like it had been woven with a million tiny diamonds

The sunlight also caught on a crest sewn in the center of the girl's uniform. It glinted proudly in the light, crafted painstakingly from threads of silver and blue, an emblem of the wind

A quick glance at her notes was made

A knock comes from the door.

Heart thudding, she slowly walks over and opens it.

Three men in black are standing in the doorway

It's time. Her mind whispers

The smile falters for a second but with steel will she musters up another

She nods slightly, preparing to leave

Whipping around she gazes one last time at the sunrise

Looking through her window over at the wakening earth glowing in a radiant light she feels a wonderful sense of happiness, determination, and confidence that stays with her

The girl follows the men out the door

She then speaks

" I can take on anything that the world throws at me" 

Nature ChillsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora