What's Mine Is Yours

Start from the beginning

I step up to Nat and embrace her tightly. I lean in close to her ear so only she can hear, "You're going to make a great aunt one day." I pull back and Nat smiles. "Hell yeah, I will." Wanda moves in for a hug next from her. She holds onto Nat longer than she did Peter.

"We'll move in for your extraction as soon as we can. Just give us the word. We'll keep constant monitoring on the mics in your ears." Nat is one of the only other people Wanda seems to trust almost as much as me. Her words have a calming effect on Wanda.

I can tell Wanda is trying to hold it together now. We don't really know how long this mission is going to take and we can't ruin our chance to cut the Hydra head responsible for all the human testing being conducted.

Our goodbyes with Steve and Stark are quicker. Steve hugs each of us before we follow Stark into the garage. We drop our bags into the trunk of the car before Stark says anything, "We'll be monitoring your trackers and mics. If something happens, we'll know."

He hesitates for a second before continuing. The car is running and he knows we need to go. "Last thing, if the mission gets compromised, alert us. We can extract early and find another way. Both of you are coming home from this, okay?" This is the most sentimental I have seen him.

"Promise. Thanks for everything, Stark. We'll see you soon hopefully." I open the door for Wanda then slip in behind her into the car. Stark shuts the door after us and stands in the driveway watching us pull away from the facility, his hands crossed against his chest.

Wanda sat in the middle seat to be closer to me when she crawled into the car. I reach over and take her hand in mine resting them in her lap. She drops her head down onto my shoulder, both of us watching the scenery change through the front window of the car.

We pull up to the little café about twenty minutes before twelve. I grab our bags from the back of the car then walk with Wanda over to the outdoor seating. The driver pulls away leaving us alone.

There are no suspicious vehicles surrounding the building yet but they're coming. We sit down at a small corner table with both of our backs to the building so we can watch the parking lot and streets leading towards us.

A short girl who looks barely old enough to be out of high school comes up to our table. "Good morning, what can I get started for you two today?" Wanda's shoulders are tense next to me as I turn to ask her, "Do you want anything?"

Wanda shakes her head no. I turn back to our waitress. "Can I get a large, iced coffee to go? We are meeting some people and don't know how long we will be here." I pull out a twenty and hand it to her. "You can keep the change."

The girl takes the twenty and nods her head smiling as she hurriedly walks away to get my coffee. I reach over next to me placing my hand on Wanda's leg. "Hey, look at me." Wanda lifts her chin barely meeting my eyes. "I'm right here. Everything is going to be okay."

The waitress comes back with my coffee and sets it down in front of me on the table. Her eyes glance over to my hand resting on Wanda's leg before she looks back at me, her bubbly demeanor dims.

She clears her throat as she takes a slight step back from us. "Um, if you need anything else, please let me know." She nods her head once then backs away to do her rounds for her other tables.

"She couldn't take her eyes off you." I put my attention back on Wanda next to me. "Yeah well, I only have eyes for you." I squeeze her leg lightly as a small smile forms on her lips.

Wanda reaches forward and grabs the coffee taking a small sip before setting it back down. "Don't say anything." I lift my hands in defense of myself quietly laughing. "Wasn't going to. Remember? What's mine is yours."

I place my hand back down onto her leg then see a white van turn onto the street. It parks out front of the little place but no one gets out of the vehicle. They're five minutes early.

"Wanda, our one o'clock. See the van?" She nods her head. "That's probably them." Right on cue the phone I called Drew initially on dings with a text, "White van. Knock on the door closest to the sidewalk and we'll open up." I tilt the phone to show Wanda then click it off placing it back into my pocket.

"Here we go," we each pick up our bags and push in our chairs discreetly. Wanda picks up the coffee for me as I place my hand on the small of her back to follow her out of the seating area. We walk close together, my hand stays locked onto her back.

The little man lights up white telling us to cross the street. I mumble through my lips so only Wanda can hear me. "Two men in the front seats. Neither is Drew. He is probably in the back." We slow down as we get to the van. I set my bag down next to my feet and lift my hand up to the side of the van door knocking three times.

Wanda and I lock eyes once more before the door clicks and slides open. Drew is kneeling directly inside the door. He extends his hands to take our bags setting them down behind the driver's seat.

Wanda steps in first and sits in a seat along the far wall. I step into the van and sit down in the seat next to her, our legs completely touching as we take in the plain interior of the van. Drew shuts the door behind us then takes his seat across from us, "Y/N, Wanda, welcome back to Hydra."

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