She immediately waves her hands, telling him to stop, but he just smiles. Mary pulls you closer to her and whispers, "I didn't know that you attracted very handsome men". You choked on your own saliva and shook your head. Taehyung tilts his head, not sure what she just told you. "you okay?" He asked and you nodded meanwhile Mary giggles.

You glared at her and looked back at Taehyung. "So do you want to join us? We're just walking around" you said. "If you don't mind," he said. "The more the merrier" Mary smiles.

The whole night, you, Mary, and  Taehyung had fun. You even forgot that you came here with the prince yet he didn't. Prince Jungkook kept on thinking about you. He was confused about how he ended up with Lady Anne and not you.

"Your Highness, I want to thank you again for showing me around. I would like to apologize for ruining your night with Lady (Y/N)" she said.

"Oh don't apologize! It's not your fault. That's how Lady (Y/N) is" Prince Jungkook said. Lady Anne's eyes landed on you who was laughing with Sir Taehyung. "Isn't that Sir Taehyung?" She asked and the prince immediately turns around to see. He clenched his fists, seeing you two together.

"If you don't mind me asking this, but why are you still together with Lady (Y/N) when she's seeing someone else?" Lady Anne asked.

Prince Jungkook's eyes never left you and he answered her question. "We're not together. Lady (Y/N) is stubborn. She doesn't want to get marry and wants to live in a cabin in the woods, far away from here" he answers. " apologies for assuming you two were together," she said. "It's fine" he replies.

Lady Anne grabs his hand, making his attention go towards her. "why don't we have fun?" She smiles. Prince Jungkook looks back at you and then back at her. 'The two of you look perfect for each other' he remembers you telling him that during the ball.

"Why not" He smiles.

'Maybe having Lady Anne won't be that bad...'


You were sitting at your desk, reading a book. You were minding your own business when you suddenly heard a conversation that your classmates were having. "Did you hear the news?" girl #1 asked.

"No, what is it?" girl #2 said. "I heard that Lady Anne and Prince Jungkook are seeing each other. They have been close all of a sudden. Do you think he will make her his Queen?" Girl # 3 said.

A smile formed on your face. 'Yes! The story is going as planned. They should slowly fall in love and he will pick her as his fiancé. I'm gonna live happily ever after!' You thought.

"Lady (Y/N)!!!" All eyes went on the boy who shouted your name. "S-Sir Jimin?" You asked. He comes running towards you and holds your hand tightly. "Don't believe those rumors. He-" then he gets smack on the head by Lady Jisoo. "I apologize for his behavior, Lady (Y/N)" she makes him bow at you.

"It's fine, Lady Jisoo" You smiled awkwardly. "May we talk in private?" she asks you. "Of course" you replied. "Great. Come with me" she walks out, dragging Sir Jimin out. "Now?" You asked as you grabbed your belongings and followed right behind her. "Yes," she said.

Lady Jisoo led you to Student Council's room where the members were sitting except for the prince who was nowhere to be seen. Lady Jisoo and Sir Jimin took their seats and looked at you. "Take a seat," Lady Savanna said with a smile. You sat down and looked at them all.

"So what is it that you wanted to discuss in private?" You asked. "As you know, Prince Jungkook will be searching for his future wife once he turns eighteen" Prince Chunyoung started. "We would like you to be a candidate for him," Lady Jisoo said. You immediately shook your head. "I'm sorry, but I don't plan on marrying anyone. I believe Lady Anne is the perfect-"

"We do believe that Lady Anne is perfect for Prince Jungkook, but he will get distracted very easily with her as his wife," Lady Savanna said. "What they're trying to say is that you and Prince Jungkook belong together and you should-" Sir Jimin once again gets a smack in the head by Lady Jisoo.

"You being Queen will make the kingdom better. You're ranked number 1 in this academy, Lady (Y/N). Even the king agrees with us that you will be the perfect candidate" Prince Chunyoung said.

"I'm sorry, but I reject being a candidate" You stand up and walked out.

'It's my choice! I no longer need to live the life of the villainess. I'm my own person! I am (L/N) (Y/N), not Lee (Y/N)!' You thought.

When you opened the door, your eyes widened when you saw Prince Jungkook with Lady Anne smiling. Your eyes made contact with the prince for a second until you heard Lady Jisoo speak. "Lady (Y/N)..."

Lady Anne looks up at Prince Jungkook who was still staring at you. "I won't change my mind, Lady Jisoo. I already decided my future and that won't change" you stated before walking out. Prince Jungkook follows right behind you, leaving Lady Anne standing there with the student council.

"Lady (Y/N)! Wait!" Prince Jungkook calls your name out yet you continue walking. He grabs your hand, making you turn around and face him. He looks into your (e/c) eyes. "Stay away from me. You only bring trouble into my life" you told him as you pushed him off.

He watches you as you disappear down the hallway. Your words hurt him so much. He didn't want to be troublesome. Prince Jungkook was hoping that this school year, you two would be close but instead, it's the opposite.

He looks down and clenched his hands.

"I guess it has to be my way then"

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