show you the ropes

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It'd been a long day. Full of meetings and training. For Korra, those kinds of days were the worst. Her anxiety always managed to spike. It was later at night when she finally got into bed, waiting for Asami to arrive home. When all hopes of sleep evaded her, she simply sat against the headboard and flipped through a couple of her girlfriend's magazines.

At around quarter to midnight the door opened and Asami bustled in. Throwing off her jacket and shoes. After switching into pajamas she took notice of Korra's silence. "Everything okay?", she asked.

When she received no answer she put the brush she was using to detangle her hair down. Then looked back at Korra who had a vacant look on her face.

Asami crawled onto the bed, straddling Korra's lap and kissed her cheek. Effectively snapping her out of a daze. "Are you okay?" Asami reiterated. "You look out of it."

"Fine. Just a rough day. Thanks for letting me stay the night. I always feel more at ease here."

Asami laughed. Memories of her own days on the island coming to mind. Being woken up at the crack of dawn along with the sky bison roars and small children running about. Along with her responsibilities as Avatar, Asami knew she was constantly being pulled in either direction.

"You're always welcome here." Asami murmured, allowing Korra to nuzzle herself against Asami's chest. Korra's hands found their purchase around Asami's waist.

Brushing her fingers against the fabric of her nightgown. Korra always loved when she wore that one. It reminded her of that night in Zaofu after Asami regained control of her mind. Their heart-to-heart, interrupted by Suyin and later revisited late at night through the soft touches and touch they had built sprouting into something more.

Korra kissed the visible expanse of skin just above her collarbone. Asami gasped, her heartbeat quickening and a hand lightly threading through choppy brown hair. Waves of desire ran through her core as Korra's tongue ran against hers. Hand slipping down tugging her closer. Asami pulled away, eliciting a whine from her lover before she could get a word out.

"Is this what you want?" Asami whispered. Kissing just underneath her . "I know it's been a long day. We can just cuddle if you're not feeling up to it.", the offer hung in the air. Korra thought about it for a split second. She wasn't always sure what she wanted, or even when she wanted it. For so long her own needs were shoved aside for the sake of the world. Now Asami tried to tend to her every need— not out of obligation— simply because she wanted to. The possibility of somebody wanting to take care of her had never occurred until Asami revealed her feelings for her.

"No, I want to." Korra reaffirmed. Perhaps a little too eagerly based on the grin that colored Asami's face. Not smug— never smug— but full of pride and happiness. "We can stop anytime. Do you want me to use the restraints?"

Korra looked away from her girlfriend, nodding slightly. Internally cringing at the question. Asami cared so much. She knew she would never be judged, not by her, here in the confines of her bedroom. As if sensing the internal battle Asami interrupted. "You don't have to be ashamed." She murmured into her ear. "I know they help with everything that happened. Having someone you can trust guide you through something. It helps." Asami said. "And it's okay to let me help you. It's okay to let yourself feel good. I would never let anything happen to you, and I would never  judge you for what makes you feel good."

The talk hadn't been there first. Asami knew it likely wouldn't be there last, she would give it to Korra every single time if it made her more at ease. Usually, Korra took the reigns when it came to their sex-life. Due to her past trauma, she was still working through her own battles with her body. Some that regarded Asami and some that didn't. Regardless, Korra was unendingly thankful for her constant and firm support.

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