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@Carol.Danvers: Throwback to our freshman Halloween costumes @Nat.Romanoff @Wanda.Stark @Maria.Romanoff @Pep.potts

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@Brucebanner: That's was such a basic costume

@Nat.Romanoff: We really didn't even try

@Wanda.Stark:  Honestly, what did we expect we were literally freshman

@Buck.Barnes: At least you girls dressed up

@Carol.Danvers: Yea didn't you guys get in trouble so you weren't allowed to dress up

@T.Stark:  Well how the hell were we supposed to know that Coulson was claustrophobic

@Maria.Romanoff: That's doesn't make sense

@S.Wilson: We were all supposed to help him clean his classroom closet

@Steve.rogers: We left him there since we were done with our part but he still stayed behind

@Thor.odin: So we closed the door but we forgot to unlock it

@T.Stark: It's kinda his fault tho he had the keys with him



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Maria.Romanoff: Ok but sophomore year wasn't even better @Carol.Danvers @Nat.Romanoff @Wanda.Stark @Pep.potts

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@Steve.rogers: You girls have offended the seven dwarfs

@Pep.potts: Honestly, this was the worst it's not even a costume

@Carol.Danvers: Why did we even choose this?

@Pep.potts: We were all supposed to be the spice girls but we got dress coded last minute

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2021 ⏰

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