Chapter 2

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Dear diary,

Yesterday was the weirdest day ever I met Jackson we  went to the park and sat at the top of the hill and ate our ice cream and we talked well he talked told me that he felt like he had known me forever and could tell me anything and he told me about himself like his full name is Jackson Michael Leon Simmons and his favorite color is lime purple which I don't even understand his mom calls him Jacky Lee and he doesn't know his dad which is kind of sad. I don't really know what I would do without my dad. His apartment has a bathroom and a bedroom/living kitchen. He told me he had a car and it was red and it's name was Lola he has a dog named Phil and his birthday is Christmas in June which is the 25. Sitting locked in my room I can here mom yelling at the kids and they are yelling back and everybody is screaming and I'm starting to not be able to breathe so good night.


Me ;)

I plugged my head phones in to my phone and clicked on Pandora apologize by one republic came on and I slowly drifted off in to sleep.


Its dark and I can him whisper to me it's so quiet "where are you" I asked and he said nothing then he whispered again "I will be here for you forever. We are best buddies" he whispers "what are you talking about?" I asked "Hey sweetheart" "Daddy" "shh its OK calm down I'm here I've never left" "da-d-daddy" "shh it's OK you will find your way on your own but you will find a hand to hold and he will help you. Trust him, sweetheart trust jack"


I jolted awake in the bright light of the sun I tried to comprehend the words my father spoke to me from his home in heaven trust jack. Jackson? Is that jack, I call him jack yesterday. Was that really my dad talking to me? Why should I trust jack? I layer back down and thought about why my dad would speak to me now he said to find my way on my own so I'm gonna look for an apartment today maybe talk to Jackson.



So I have no idea what I'm doing so your welcome :)


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2015 ⏰

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