17. Letter

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You were just about to wake Eri to prepare for the day's activities, when you heard her scream. You burst through the door, rushing over to the girl, seeing her sitting up in bed, hysterically crying, the horn on her forehead glowing. You had never seen it glow like that, rushing over to help her.

"Eri, Eri, what's wrong?" You asked, reaching out to her, but she flinched, crying out for you not to touch her.

"Y-you can't! Y-you'll- you'll-" She stuttered out, struggling to finish her sentence. While you didn't know much about quirks, you could guess that this was hers activating.

"Okay, take a deep breath, and tell me what happened." You said, attempting to calm her.

"I had a nightmare and- and- when I woke up, it happened again." She pointed to her glowing horn as she spoke. "Y-you need to get Overhaul. He's the only one who c-can stop it- by- b-by-"

You could see the fearfulness in her eyes, finding another piece to the puzzle that was this yakuza boss. So that was why he used his quirk on her. To stop her own abilities. Well today, you were going to find another way. And you would get it all to stop.

"We're not going to do that. Okay? We'll do something else. You're not going to be hurt anymore. It's all going to be okay." You told her, but she just shook her head, crying even more.

"N-no it won't. It's impossible. You can't stop it, no one can-"

"Eri. Look at me. Look in my eyes. You're fine, you're okay. We can do this. Now focus, and tell five things you can see in this room." You instructed.

"I-I see my blanket, I see the curtains, the door, I see you, I see the window, and I s-see the flowers we got from the courtyard." She took a shaky breath, the horn slowly turning back to normal. "I-it worked."

"Oh my god, it worked. See. I told you it's going to be okay. We're all still here. And no one's hurt." You pulled her into a hug, holding her close to you.

"Thank you, (y/n)." She mumbled, her voice muffled by your shirt.

You kept her close, before remembering your thoughts from earlier. You stopped Eri's quirk, so Overhaul can't hurt her anymore. You had to go tell him. You pulled away from her, getting to your feet and rushing off excitedly. "I have to go do something, I'll be back soon."


Chisaki sighed, tossing the envelope on his desk, just above all his other papers. Kurono's advice wasn't helpful. He felt just as worse as before, if not more so.

His emotions hadn't changed. Not one bit. In fact, it probably made them intensify even more. So much for having control.

Running a hand through his hair, he let out an annoyed grunt, standing from the table and turning away. He needed to get away from his work, so he went out for a small walk, to try and clear his head.

You sprinted down the hall, brushing past the others, hurrying right over to Overhaul's office. It was finally time. You were going to tell him, about what happened and Eri was going to be free from this pain.  And you couldn't wait. You were so excited for both you and her.

"Overhaul? May I come in?" You called, after knocking on his door quite a bit. There was no reply. But, the door was unlocked, and you were too hyped up to resist.

You didn't find him, figuring he was out doing something else. But before you could leave, something caught your eye. It was an envelope on his desk, your name scribbled on the front.

Picking it up, you hesitated to open it. Even though this could be a breach of privacy, it was addressed to you. So, you opened it up, finding a letter inside.

Dear (y/n),

I despise you. I hate how you can act so foolish, so kind when so many have treated you wrongly. I can't tell if you're naive or stupid. Don't you want revenge? Don't you want to make them pay? Don't you want to get rid of that sickness?

I don't understand you. I once thought I did, but now I don't. But that's not the only thing I struggle with, nor the only thing I hate.

But out of everything, what I hate the most is how you make me feel. That's why I'm writing this ridiculous thing anyways. I don't know if it's some sort of disease or spell or secret quirk you have, but you make me feel vulnerable, happy, enamored. No one's ever made me feel such things before, and I hate that you do this to me.

I want to push you away, far far away, from me, from everyone and everything, yet I still need to keep you around. We barely even know each other, but I find myself growing more and more infatuated with you.

It's gotten to the point where I don't know what to do or to say to you. Besides this. I suppose that's all I have to say to you.

Right as you finished up reading the letter, you heard the door open, shoving it back into the envelope and holding it behind your back.

"(Y/n)? What are you doing-" He paused, looking down at his desk and seeing that the envelope was gone, looking back up at you. And that was when you both knew.

"I'm sorry if I angered you- it's just- it was addressed to me so I thought..." You trailed off, your cheeks warm with embarrassment.

He was furious with you. You could see it in his eyes. You read something very private of his and now he was going to make you pay.

Surprisingly, he didn't. He stood in place, staring at you with those piercing gold eyes of his. "Is there anything you want to say to me about this?"

"No, but there is something I want to do." You smiled to yourself, walking over, standing on your tiptoes, and planting a kiss on his upper cheek, making him step back in shock.

"Sorry if I grossed you out. I just wanted to do tha-"

Before you could turn away and walk out, you felt a gloved hand wrap around your wrist, pulling you back to him. The next thing you knew, you heard a soft clicking sound, and you watched him take off his mask, placing it down on his desk.

He looked a lot different than you expected without the mask, definitely much more handsome, with pale, smooth, skin, and soft pillowy lips. Chisaki let go of your wrist, grabbing your waist and pulling you up against him, kissing you.


Bye I've been so slammed with Highschool and soccer I'm exhausted and it's been taking me so long to update everything ughhh I just want it to be summer

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