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Ayoooo readers, my name is 3eality, this is my first blog and I was inspired to write this because of what I have experienced and enough with intro, so letsss begin (WARNING I DIDN'T REMOVE ANY GRAMMAR MISTAKES NOR DID I REREAD THIS SO DON'T JUDGE). It all started when the year 2020 began up until now everything in my life was going on smoothly nothing could stop me from world dominance yah that's how I felt when it was new year XD.

Anyways you'll know wat would happen next :) MISERY FOR EVERYONE maybe not for teen introverts who loved their computer more than their crush oof. Ik many of you reading this could be introverts wait will I even have any readers idk but I will surely make another post. Back to the story, I felt like a lion who will take over the forest but boy was I mistaken. Covid 19 the stupid disease that destroyed the year was yet to happen in my country and when it struck it struck hard the world atleast around me was falling. Never have I seen something like that in my entire puny life and it brought with it a thing called lockdown.

Have you guys ever played the game Plague Inc. before? Everything was happening exactly like in the game it looked like everything was dying, society itself. To ensure that the number of casualties were low we had to stay indoors all day homes were now prison cells and it was no joke. I also want to say one thing ALL THOSE WHO THOUGHT THEY COULDN'T BE INFECTED AND COULD DO WHATEVER THEY WANTED UK HOW MANY LIVES DID UR STUPID ARROGANCE TAKE!. If you don't care about yourselves then atleast thing about others. To fight back this pandemic we had to give up our freedom. Even buying grocery was now DANGEROUS. In the news I saw the case in India and its the worst there isn't even enough time and space to bury the people who have left us. The government is trying everything it can but its not enough we need to have faith atleast for those who have passed away all I wanted to say is that lives are more valuable than freedom. If you think that you can't live without freedom then think about others. Ik this was a small blog but I have a lot of work to do so have a nice day readers :)

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2021 ⏰

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