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The guy and Megumi arrived at the hospital and they hurried inside. The stranger pressed a button on the elevator and sighed loudly.

"Just what the hell happened?!" Megumi thought to himself and the door went open. He followed the guy who turned around a corner and rushed inside a room.

?: "Please wait outside! You're not allowed to go in here!" He said and disappeared inside a room.

Megumi then noticed a boy sitting outside the room. Which was Yuuji. He went to him quickly and crouched down so he can look at Yuuji.

He was crying a lot.

M: "Hey. Yuuji just what happened here?" He asked with an worried expression.

(Yuuji POV)

I just got the message that my grandfather died of an heart attack. He was feeling unwell since yesterday. And now he's really gone. I was staring at the ground blankly.

"I have no one now." I mumbled to myself as tears started flowing down.

I heard footsteps but didn't look up. Until a familiar pair of shoes appeared front of me. It was Megumi. I was somehow relieved that he's here. But I didn't want him to see me cry. I'm really miserable.
He asked me of what had happened of course. I told him. Megumi didn't know what to say for a while. He got up from his knees and hugged me tightly.

My eyes widened. I couldn't help but stood up and just hug him back as well. We stood there for about five minutes. He comforted me until I stopped crying.
His hug was warm and I didn't want to let go.

Y: "Thank you." I pulled myself away a little once I calmed down.

M: "Your welcome." Megumi said as he wiped the last few tears away from my face.

His hands are warm. And I just noticed that he has large lashes as I looked up to him. They're really pretty.

I let go of him and just then a nurse came to me to fill up some documents. My grandpa was taken away. Megumi held my hand and so we stood there until his bed with his body disappeared around the corner.

M: "Let's go home, hm?" He smiled to me.

I never saw his smile before. It's very pleasing when I see it.

I nodded then we headed out and walked to our home.

M: "It's rare to see you not in a happy mood at all..."He started talking.

M: "It's understandable. But it makes me sad seeing you like this. I bet your grandfather wouldn't want to see you like this either." He said without looking at me.

Right. Grandpa always told me to be happy and stay strong.

Y: "Alright." I forced a smile to Megumi and so we kept on walking home.

(Reader POV)

Y: "But I'm all alone now. I only have two more cousins and they live far away. My grandfather was the only shoulder I could lean on to now." Yuuji mumbled.

Unintentional (Yuuji x Megumi)Where stories live. Discover now