Chapter 15

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No ones pov
"Hey I knew I was going to find you here," Emily said walking further into his home office.
"Hey," he said looking up. "How are you doing and the kids."
She walked behind him and began massaging his shoulders, "I started a movie for the kids and I'm alright. How are you," she said kissing his neck a bit.
He dropped his pen to his paperwork and leaned back.
"Mm having to sort things back now that we have to go to work soon. As much as I want to stay here with you guys we have to figure something out," he said leaning into her touch and closing his eyes.
She continued her massage, "about that I was wondering If I can have more time off."
"Why?" Emily looked him annoyed. Did he just forget about the kids or what?
"Who is going to take care of Spencer and JJ," She said as she saw realization hit him.
"Oh right. I'll talk with Strauss about that, but you should be fine. You did it clear it with your boss," He said bringing her to his lap.
They stayed there in their own little bubble. Not worry about anything until they heard screaming coming from the living room. Quickly they sprang apart and ran.
What they saw in the living were two toddlers fighting. JJ and Reid both had their faces red as a tomato. They were just screaming their heads off.
"Hey hey what is going on," Hotch said raising his voice picking up and red tested face JJ. Emily picked up Reid who looked the same as JJ. Seeing that nothing was calming them down. Hotch took JJ to the bathroom to splash water on her face while Emily bought Reid to the other bathroom to do the same.
It took a few minutes to get them calm. Emily was rocking Reid side by side cuddling with him to make sure he calms down.
"Hey buddy you're going to have to tell me what happened between you and JJ. Normally you guys are best friends and never fight," Emily said brushing his hair back.
He just shrugged and pull his arm out. She looked at his arm and saw little bite marks.
"Did JJ do this to you?" she asked. She felt a nod which made her hugged him even more. She quickly sent a text to Hotch about JJ biting Reid.
'She did what!' Hotch wrote back.
'She bit Reid.'
'Well what happened with both of them?'
'I don't know Aaron.' she wrote back as she brought Reid to the bed laying a bit down with him. She was cuddling for a few minutes before Hotch knocked at the door.
"Hey I thought I might find you here," he said coming into the room with a calm JJ sucking on her fingers.
"Hey," she said as he came over to give her a kiss. She got a closer look to JJ and saw her tear dried face with her close, but she could tell she wasn't sleeping neither was Reid sleeping.
"What made them fight like this. Aren't they best friends," Hotch said as he laid down with JJ laying on him.
"They are. I don't know Aaron. How are you?" She asked as she brought one of her hands to his hair while the other was rubbing Reid's back.
"I was hoping to get some emails done and sent since we're going back to work, but now we have little kids at each other throats," he said chuckling a bit.
"When do we ask them about what happened? Did you clean up downstairs?" She looked at him knowing that he probably didn't clean the popcorn that was spilled all over the floor. He just smiled cheekily.
"Hey JJ," Emily said moving her hand forms Hotch's hair to JJ's .
"Hi momma," JJ said tiredly. She snuggled closer to Hotch.
"Do you want to tell me what happened downstairs," Emily pried.
"No not really," she sassed back. Which took Emily and Hotch by surprised. They didn't have the heart to reprimand her.
"How about you Reid," Emily said pressing a kiss to his head only to get a snore back. She just looked at Hotch and laugh.
"Well that took a turn."
"It did."
What did help was that JJ was falling asleep too. They decided it was nap time, but instead of bringing them to their own beds, they allowed them to sleep in their bed. So they can keep and eye on them. They spent a few minutes talking before Hotch fell asleep with JJ in his arms wrapped tightly in a blanket. Eventually, Emily fell asleep as well. Anyone to look at the would think they were a cute family until they hear the kids fights and how they're de-aged.
Quickly Emily woke up to JJ and Reid pushing each other on the bed.
"Hey hey we don't push and we most certainly do not push when we are on the bed." She said sternly which made them quickly sit. The loudness also work Hotch up and he was watching.
"Alright you guys either tell me what happened or no ice creams after dinner," Hotch said. Emily looked at him because that wasn't the best punishment or to bribed them.
"JJ changed the channel and took my popcorn," Reid exclaimed only to make JJ mad.
"But you pushed me for the remote control even though mama said not to change it and I wanted more popcorn," she fired back.
"But you didn't have to take my popcorn you coulda ask," he said angrily.
"Okay then," Emily said grabbing Reid.
"We are done here and no is stealing anything. JJ you know better than changing the channel. It's Aaron's home and you should have asked. There should be no physical fighting too" she said looking at them.
"There will be no ice cream and after dinner you are going to play for a bit before going to bed. And no you aren't sleeping in the same room," she continued. She stayed true to her promise and a hour later the kids were sleeping separately in different rooms.
Emily and Hotch were in the bathroom getting ready for bed. Hotch was standing behind her and both were just watching each other through the mirror with smiles and sparkles in their eyes. Catching her off guard, he swept her off her feet and sat her on the counter facing him.
With a smile to his face he said, "You know you called me Aaron today. Not just once, but 3 times today." She looked down shyly which made him bring her chin up.
"You don't have to by shy calling me Aaron. I rather be called Aaron by you whenever we aren't at work. We have to keep it professional at work," he said with a small smile which brought a smile on Emily's face.
"You know I never understand why kids have those fights. I thought it was something important, but it was for the smallest thing ever," Emily complained while Hotch placed both his hands on her thighs.
"I guess that's how kids are," he said leaning up to kiss her. The kiss turned out innocent, but it quickly got passionately which made Hotch pick Emily up and walk them to his bed. Without breaking the kiss he lowered them to the bed and continued off with their activities. Quickly forgetting the drama the kids had today.

I hope you guys like this chapter. I was stuck on ideas and didn't know what to write.
I'm so sorry for taking forever. I have been busy with some exams, but I'm going to have the busiest week coming up. I have state examinations not only that, but finals and project. I don't finish school until mid June!! I'm probably not going to post anytime soon maybe in 2 weeks. I'm also stuck I have ideas I'm not sure what order to put them or how exactly to write them. Thank you for understanding that it's going to take me a while and that I'm very sorry for taking long.

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