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"This is such a stupid idea.  If they're all like me, we'll be at each other's throats by the end of the day," Glace growled, his silvery tail lashing like a dying snake.  His blood-red eyes flashed angrily as he paced back and forth, cherry coloured ice spikes rattling together as he moved.

"I think it's a good plan," Eira responded, nudging her little brother with one cold white wing.  "And they aren't exactly like you.  You'll probably all be damaged in different ways."

"I'm not 'damaged'," Glace snarled, shoving her away from him.  "I don't even need this.  Let's just go home."

"We can't.  You can't.  It's bad for you—you'll only get more unstable," Eira said bluntly.

"I'm not freaking unstable," Glace muttered.  "I'm fine."

"Nope.  We can't have you attacking anyone else.  You nearly blinded Caribou permanently."

"That jerk totally deserved it!  Defending myself makes me insane now?" He snorted. 

"Self-defence is one thing," Eira replied in her stern older sister voice, "attacking him because he insulted you is quite another.  You know I only ever do what I think is best for you.  And I really do think this is the best approach for you."  Her eyes softened.  "Trust me.  This is how you get better."

He stared at the school built into the side of the mountain.  "You're wrong," he hissed.  "I'm not crazy, and I don't need to go sing kumbaya with a bunch of random dragonets who are!"

"I'm just trying to help," Eira said tiredly.  "You'll thank me later."  She spread her wings for a hug, but he turned away from her with an angry huff.  "I love you, little brother!" She called.

"No," he growled, "don't pull that crap.  If you loved me, you wouldn't be making me do this.  But guess, what, I don't care, because I don't love you either.  I hate you."  Without another word, he turned and shot into the sky, diving for the school, leaving Eira alone with her aching heart.

He doesn't mean that, she told herself, taking a shaky breath in.  He's just mad.  But I am positive that this is a good idea.  He'll go in there, learn and work on his mind for a few, and emerge a new dragon.  He'll make friends.  Maybe he'll even find someone special there.  It'll be fine, and he'll be happier in the end, even if he's angrier now.

It'll all be worth it.  If he ends up happy, that's the most important thing, no matter how bumpy the road is to get there.

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