Chapter 3

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Harry POV

After that dumb meat head hit me I ended up all the way in Doncaster. I was so annoyed because I've always been treated like a bag of manure. Even when I was a child. I guess I was treated so differently because I used to be so different from other guys. I was really such a silly baka back then. I'm not anymore though I've changed to be more like other guys.

As I was walking through the streets of Doncaster I saw a bread cart. The bread cart reminded me of a very traumatic and sad memory from when I was a kid. I was at school just doing my daily cartwheels when a bunch of kids started chasing me with baguettes and even one kid ran me over with a bread cart. I got the plague after that experience. 

As I was remembering that experience I also remembered I still have to go to school, ughhh. So I quickly order a flight back to America. The plane crashed in an ocean on the way there sadly. However there was a boat near the area the plane crashed so I got on that and sailed all the way back to America instead. 

When I get off the plane I run into this idiot at the mall whose name tag says Sebastian Stan. "HEY, WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING." but man you're lookin good." I say to him. Then I wink at him and he smirks at me and smacks my butt as I walk past him. 

In the parking lot of the mall I spot the girl whose boyfriend attacked me's friend. I quickly walk over to her and ask, "Heyyy darlin' wanna get ice cream with me?" 

"YES!!" she screams. I quickly wrap my arm around her and take her to my car. Then I drive to my house and lock her in the basement as I start my diabolical plan to take over the world. 

"HEY, WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!!!" she screams. I ignore her and walk to my couch to watch Teletubies with my cat Figaro while him and I discuss our plans. 


"Why in the world did you kidnap her?" Figaro asks.

"It's all for our plan, I promise Figaro." I answer. 


"I also just wanna get back at her and her stupid boyfriend as well" I admit.


I may also have a teeny tiny insy weensy crush on the girl." I mumble. "and if I kidnap her best friend she'll come looking for her and then I'll have her. I just have to deal with her stupid boyfriend Albert Einstein." 

"I may have a way to deal with him." Figaro says slyly.

We both smirk at each other and chuckle. Then we go back to watching TV but sadly Teletubies isn't on anymore however, Garfield is. 

"OOOOO. he. is. hot." Figaro says to the TV character. Then I turn the lights out and we stay up all night watching Garfield.

 Then I turn the lights out and we stay up all night watching Garfield

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SPicy kittyyyy. Garfield and Figaro = True Love 💕❤😍= Farfield

Or a better ship name if ya'll come up with one.

Hope you enjoy this chapter :)) <3

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