Chapter 4: The Sticky Note

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It's been a week since the confrontation from Michael and I still don't have anything newsworthy from Jon.

Somehow, I don't really care about that. I don't care if I get the next breaking story from him. Talking to him is the highlight of the day. I've noticed that at this point he always makes sure that he's in my line even if my line is the longest. Additionally, he's started coming at slower times in the day so we can actually talk. Just seeing him makes my heart swell.

"It's funny how I'm a United States Senator and you work more than me."

I laugh as I tuck some loose hairs behind my ears, "What are you talking about? Working at a cafe for four or five days has nothing on being a Senator."

"That's debatable. Sure, I'm here all the time and I'm busy as hell, but you're running around on your feet ten hours a day. It's no easy feat, I'm sure I couldn't do it. Speaking of which... Can I buy you something?", he asks, pointing at the menu behind me.

I feel my face get warm and my stomach starting to swirl, "I'm not going to lie, I make myself free food about twice a day. Nobody needs to know", I smirk.

"That's not what I mean. Take a break for a little bit, we can go on a walk down the Mall or something. Everything's so slow today, please.", looking at me with puppy dog eyes.

I sigh, "I give in. How are you so convincing? Let me confirm with Serena."

I walk over to the sink in the back. "Hey, can I take off for an hourish? I was going to walk around the Mall with a friend."

"Sure! He totally likes you by the way.", Serena responds, without looking up from the sink and nonchalantly.

"What? No way! We're just friends and he's just being nice."

"Whatever you say. Just be back in an hour, alright."

I nod and run back out to where Jon's sitting, all ready with our food.

"Ready?", he asks.

"Ready as I'll ever be."

As we start walking away, Jon starts talking. "Here's a crazy idea- what if we go to that waterfall park on Potomac? I just want to get the hell out of here."

I know I'm supposed to be back in an hour, and that Serena's already being generous with me, but again, I don't care.

"You bet."


"What the hell, Autumn? You said you'd be back in an hour. It's been almost three hours."

"I know, Serena, I'm sorry. Jon and I ended up going to a park in Maryland, traffic was bad so it took a little longer."

Serena rolls her eyes, "What is going on with you two? No one just goes to a park with a Senator. You work at the Post, right? What are you even doing here?"

God, why does she have to be so smart?

"Look", I breathe out, "I'm going to tell you this. Please, just don't tell anyone else. Including Jon. Including Amy. Nobody."

She sits on the counter. "Fine. Out with it, the floor is all yours", she says sarcastically.

"I'm here on assignment. I'm supposed to get close to Senator Ossoff to find some big story or whatever. And, my entire career has been threatened if I don't do it, so here I am."

"Oh god", Serena mutters.

"I know, it's definitely a lot."

"No, Autumn, turn around."

I do what she says, to find Amy staring at me.

I've known Amy all of my life. She's in the Senate. Somehow, I've still never seen Amy as livid as she is now. Just from her look, I can tell that I'm in pretty deep shit. I follow her in silence all the way to her office.

She almost slams the door as she points to a chair for me to sit.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?"

"Amy, I can explain. I have to do this. You don't understand."

"You're trying to hound a secret off of Jon? So you can become a star reporter in the Post? I can't believe you sometimes."

"I'm being forced to do this! My boss has threatened my job, my career, hell my entire reputation if I don't comply with his sexist orders! Hell, he's even hinted at exposing you for something and ruining your political career. He's vicious. He doesn't stop. I've dug myself into this hole that I can't get out of!"

I take a deep breath, "I'm supposed to have a big story for him by the end of next week. Otherwise, I don't know what's going to happen. Trust me, I haven't learned anything newsworthy from Jon, and even if I were to, I don't think I would give it up. But, Amy, I'm just really scared. I don't know what to do. You have to help me. Please."

She looks down at the floor, and shakes her head, "I knew bringing you here was a risk."

"And I can't stay hidden forever. I'm 28, shit like this just happens."

Amy shakes her head, "I know you're strong, but this shouldn't be happening to you. And the fact that I told you there was this opening in Washington makes me feel terrible. I'm sorry." She gets up from her desk and hugs me.

As I put my head on her shoulder, it's like a dam collapses in me. Everything hits me at once, and I start sobbing. And she does what she always does, she just holds me.

"I can't hurt him. I don't want to hurt him, Amy. I have no idea what to do."

She looks down at me, "Who?"

I wipe a few of my tears off of my cheeks, "Jon. He doesn't deserve this. I'm not going to hurt him, am I?"

Amy looks around the room, as if to check for something, and leads me over to her computer.

"Don't tell your boss I told you this."


"So, what do you have for me?"Michael asked me a week later.

"It's not Ossoff specific, but it is pretty significant news that no one outside of the Senate and a very select few staffers know."

Michael raises his eyebrows, prompting me to go on.

I grab a photocopy of an email from my purse, handing it to him.

"Mitch McConnell is retiring in 2 weeks."

Michael gives me a sinister grin after reading through the email.

"Yep, this is what I'm talking about."


The news about McConnell spread through the Capitol like wildfire. Almost 100% of staffers, most of the House, and even some of the Senate wasn't even aware of the news, which had been published anonymously so it wouldn't trace back to me.

Amid all the crazy, at least Jon acted the same.

"I finished The Mandalorian again last night!"

I roll my eyes playfully, "Of course you did, is there ever anything else you do in your free time?" I hand him his coffee, and he grabs something from his pocket.

Abruptly, he places a sticky note in my hand. I can feel the touch of his palm linger on mine, then finger by finger pull away.

I hear him whisper, "There's something else I'd like to do in my free time." 

I look down at the sticky note :

Call me:

470 983 7521


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