Random izukus headcanons

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- is everyone's therapist
- used to have a have a flask disguised as a ice pack in middle school
- loves watching cheesy chick-flicks
- is father died at a young age and his mother only says she's still married just so people would leave her alone
- has attempted to kill himself by overdose once
- he tried to hate bakugo but just couldn't
- was a "climber" kid
- has adhd
- used to bake in the middle of the night and go over to bakugos house and make him eat it
- is a gremlin on the phone
- loves to paint if he could he would paint the walls
- will once in while sneak in a bottle of vodka in the dorms
- he's by no means a lightweight
- will go to the most popular suicde spots and will check if anyone's there to mabye help them
- people in middle school would preten to like him as a joke and know he just thrown love out the window and is only worried about school
- is bi, do with that what you will
- if any of the girls are on there period he will go and buy some pads, snacks and has the whole shabam for them
- is somehow not a virgin

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