A start to an end

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It was a Sunday afternoon when everything in my life changed, when my father left, when my grandmother died, when everyone in my life left. Unfortunately this is where my story starts.

"Mum, can we go see grandmother, please." I asked.
She turned around and gave me her award winning smile, except something was off about it. Her vibrant blue eyes didn't glow as normal and her long brown hair didn't seem to have any life to it.

"Of course we can sweetheart." She said and then left to go to the car.

I rushed upstairs into my bedroom and searched all through my draws for my journal. You see, grandmother always told me stories when I was their and I liked writing them down so I'd always have memories of her. Now she's at the doctors. Mum won't tell me what happened, she just says that she needed a check up. I may be twelve but I'm no idiot, I know something happened.

I found it, chucked it in my bag and then run down the stairs into the lounge room. I heard my mum honk the car horn and knowing that this is her way of saying she was ready, I called out a good-bye to dad, shut the door and run to mum's car.

We entered grandmother's hospital room quietly in case she was asleep. When I got a decent look of grandmother I could tell she was awake.

"What a lovely surprise." She said with her sweet voice and a light smile.

"Sophie wanted to come and visit and I thought, why not seeing how everything is...." Mum didn't continue on with her sentence though.

I walked over to grandmother having only on thing one my mind.

"Can you please tell me a story, please." I begged.

"Of course Sophie." She said lightly chuckling at my eagerness.

"I'm going to tell you the story of a man I loved dearly. His name was captain America........." She didn't continue on though because she started having a coughing fit and soon you could see she coughed up a little blood.

I went to hug mum and shield my eyes from what was happening to my favourite person in the world but mum wasn't there, she had ran off to get some doctors.
I started crying at the sight of my grandmother scared for what was to come. Not even a minute later, doctors and nurses came rushing in and I was pulled out by mum who was a weeping mess.

About an hour later a doctor came out with a sad look on his face. I was so confused about what was happening. I looked up to mum but she looked so sad.

"No! No! Please, please don't say the words." Mum broke down after saying those words and fell to the floor.

"I'm deeply sorry but Peggy Carter has passed away." He said.

That was my grandmother's name, why did he say her name and what did he mean by passed away. I looked to mum again but she was a crumbled mess on the floor.


When we returned home mum instantly went to her bedroom looking for dad to tell him the news. She soon came out and looked in the dinning room.

"Michael." She whispered.

I went into the kitchen for food but instead found a note, it had dad's hand writing.

"Mum, dad's left a note." I called out.

She ran into the room and grabbed the note from the counter. I saw her face go from relief to confusion to despair. She started crying again and I didn't know what to do.

"Mum?" I whispered.

She looked at me with hatred and then left the room. I was so confused, what did dad say? I picked up the note and opened it. I found one word that break my heart into a million pieces.


Why would he leave us now, when we needed him most, when I needed him? How is it that one moment my life seems perfect and he next it was shattered into a million pieces.


I screamed out of fear and them heard something heavy fall to the floor. I hide behind the kitchen table afraid that someone was in our house. I then heard the door break open and several foot steps come flooding in.
Please don't find me, please don't find me. I canted over and over again in my head.

"All clear." Said a man.

I went to run to my room before I was caught by someone. I screamed afraid that this person was going to harm me. I stared wiggling around and kicking, hoping that if would loosen his grip on me.

"We're not here to harm we. Calm down." Said a woman's voice.

I stopped wiggling about and she let me go. The only way for me to calm down was to think about the stories grandmother told me and the one that stuck in my head the most was the one she never got to finish.

I started crying again and fell to the floor, finally letting everything absorb. I stopped thinking about all the possible scenarios that could have happened. It was obvious, she's dead and my dad's left me all alone and mum's dead too. I was all alone yet the only thing I could think amount from that day on was,

Who is Captain America.

Captain America's Grand-daughter (Avengers/Captain America fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now