Chapter 1: The Story Begins

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Laura Jean said, "Hey guys, I'm Laura Jean MacGyver. This is a story about my life and it's not all pretty because I got bullied for years. And, it's time for the story to begin." It all begin when Laura Jean is at the age of four, she and her parents were going to the park. Mara said, "Laurie, you are so excited to go to the park." Laura Jean said, "Yeah." Steven said, "This is going to be fun, honey." Mara asked, "Is there any other houses that you haven't looked at?" Steven said, "No I haven't but we will for tomorrow." The car came behind them and the car flipped over. As the car flipped over, some guy called an ambulance and Laura Jean unbuckles her booster seat. Laura Jean crawls out of the car and she looks at her parents. Laura Jean said, "Momma. Daddy." The blood was rolling down on Steven's left cheek and Mara was even worse than Steven. Laura Jean starts crying and the police cars and ambulances came. Detective Jane Carter came over to Laura and she hugs her to calm her down. As the next week, Detective Jane Carter took Laura Jean to the orphanage and Sister Miriam unlocks the gate. Sister Miriam said, "Hi there. You must be Laura Jean." Laura said, "Uh huh." Sister Miriam said, "We have people like you who are here at the orphanage and I know how you feel." Laura Jean asked, "Is there anyone around here to be my friends?" Sister Miriam said, "Of course and thank you Detective Cater." Detective Jane Carter said, "It's no problem." Detective Jane Carter walks over to her police car and she got in. Detective Jane Carter drove off and Sister Miriam took Laura Jean to the orphanage. Laura Jean is completely happy at the orphanage and she made new friends. In three years later, Eva and John both found out that they couldn't have anymore children. Eva said, "I wish we could have more children." John said, "I know but maybe we can." Eva said, "I think we can go to the adoption center." John said, "That's exactly what I was thinking." Mary asked, "Where are we going?" Eva said, "Well, we're getting a new brother or a sister." Joey said, "Yeah." John said, "C'mon you two, let's go." John, Eva, and the twins went to go the adoption center. Detective Jane Carter is looking for the file and Amy said, "You must be the MacGyver family." John said, "Yes and we're here to adopt a child." Detective Jane Carter said, "I just came across to this beautiful little girl when she was four years old and she lost her parents since the car incident." Eva said, "Oh my Goodness." Amy said, "She's now seven years old." Detective Jane Carter showed the picture of Laura Jean now at the age of seven. John said, "You just say a seven year old." Detective Jane Carter said, "Yeah and she would be perfect to be the big sister to your twins." John said, "I think so and we're ready for her." Detective Jane Carter said, "Great and I'll call Sister Miriam to have Laura Jean to pack up her stuff." Meanwhile at the orphanage, Laura is playing with her Barbie dolls and Bratz dolls. Sister Miriam came in and said, "Laura, it's time for you to pack up because you will be getting adopted by the MacGyver family." Laura said, "Okay." Laura Jean packed up all of her stuff and Jodie asked, "Are you leaving us?" Laura Jean said, "Yeah and I got adopted by a new family." Sarah said, "We'll miss you." Laura Jean said, "I'll miss you guys." Sister Miriam said, "You ready to go." Laura Jean said, "I'm ready." Laura Jean and Sister Miriam walks out of the room. Eva, John, and the twins are happy to see Laura Jean. Eva said, "She's beautiful." Laura Jean hugs Eva because she thought about her real mom and John said, "Thank you so much Sister Miriam." Sister Miriam said, "You're welcome." Laura Jean saw Jodie and Sarah as she waves them goodbye. Jodie and Sarah waved Laura Jean goodbye. Eva, John, Laura Jean, and the twins went home. Joey asked, "How come we're not going to the fair?" Eva said, "The fair doesn't open until next summer." Mary said, "Yeah Joey." Laura Jean miss everything that she had and it will never be the same. Eva looks at Laura Jean and she knew that Laura Jean isn't having fun. Laura Jean felt really sad because she wanted to have fun like her new twin brother and sister. As they made it home, Laura Jean came out of the car and Ricardo threw the ball over to the MacGyver's yard. Eva, John, and the twins got out of the car. Laura Jean went over to the ball and she picks it up. Ricardo walks over to Laura Jean and asked, "Who are you?" Laura Jean said, "I'm Laura Jean." Ricardo said, "I never seen you before." Laura Jean said, "I'm new here." Ricardo asked, "Do you want to play?" Laura Jean said, "Sure." Eva said, "Go on ahead, honey and come inside before supper." Laura Jean said, "Okay Mom." Ricardo said, "Let's go." Mary said, "You get to be in the middle, Joey." Joey said, "Hey, not if I get there first then you can be the middle." Ricardo, Laura Jean, Mary, and Joey came over to the yard. Chloe said, "Hey Mary and Joey." Mary said, "Hey Chloe." Joey said, "Hi pretty." Chloe said, "You wish, Joey." Ricardo said, "Chloe, I would like you to meet Laura Jean and Laura Jean, this is my little sister Chloe." Laura Jean said, "Hi Chloe." Chloe said, "Hi Laura." Ricardo said, "We were playing a game and I wondering if you want to play." Laura Jean said, "Yeah." Ricardo said, "Great." They were having fun playing a game and spent hours of playing. As it was getting dawn, Eva and John came out of the door. Eva said, "Laura, Joey, and Mary." John said, "Time for supper." Laura Jean said, "Okay Dad." Ricardo said, "See you guys tomorrow." Chloe said, "Bye." Joey said, "See ya." Mary said, "Bye." Laura Jean said, "See ya." Laura Jean, Mary, and Joey walks away to get inside for supper. Jack came out the door and said, "Come on you two, it's dinner time." Ricardo said, "Okay Dad." Ricardo and Chloe went inside and Jack shut the door. Laura Jean said, "That was my first time having a mom, dad, brother, and sister. But things got pretty rough and it gets worse in my freshmen year of high school and sophomore year as well." 

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