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It had taken a walk through the gardens to calm both her and Mary down, she was glad that now she could retire to her chambers once again as the afternoon drew in. The French queen walked down her hallway and stopped short in surprise as the sound of construction came from her rooms, and a string of people entered and exited them carrying her items. Storming into the room she stopped the workers with a glare.

"What on earth is going on here!?"

A worker stopped what they were doing and bowed before answering her as the others continued their work.

"The kings gave orders for us to remove your items from your chambers and place them in his own."

"No. No you will not. Take everything back and do not touch them again, no matter what the king says!"

"Do not do a single thing my wife says. Continue your job."

Standing calmly and unbothered behind the French queen was her husband. The workers made a hasty exit as they sensed the danger in the air when the queen's tone turned icy.

"What do you think you're doing Henry? Ordering the staff to move my things and place them in your room."

Nonchalantly waving a hand, the king ignored the steely glare coming from his wife.

"It was simply the best option."

"For what!?"

"Making sure you take care of yourself. I have caught you once being unable to properly change the bandaging on your wrists, and another time using a nightgown as an ineffective dressing."

"I was perfectly capable of taking care of myself, you just barged into my chambers."

"Be that as it may, I've decided that you are to reside in my chambers from now on."

"You arrogant, egotistical..."

Increasing his own voice above his wife's, the king drowned out her insults.

"You are injured Catherine! I will not have my queen bleeding out on the floor of her rooms, or in the middle of court just because she is as stubborn as a mule!"

Lower her voice so that it hissed between her teeth, the Italian blooded woman narrowed her eyes once more.

"Oh so that's what this is about, Appearances. You don't want me embarrassing you."

Two servants made their way into the chambers to collect more of her items, cutting the kings reply of. Raising her chin defiantly, the queen strode past him, leaving him to sigh in her wake.


This is a short chapter and I think the next one I write may also be one, but I finally updated. Yay.


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