(Y/N): I've done some really bad shit, Bex... I've killed people and left their family's mourning their loss...

Rebecca: But they did bad things...

(Y/N): Yet their family's are the ones who suffered because I killed them... I could always sleep at night because I told myself I was doing good, but I'm the cause of so much misery...

Rebecca just hugged his arm as the sun beamed down on them as (Y/N) told her how he felt...

(Y/N): Venom ran through the halls of the Fort as we made some noise trying to draw all the guards to us, but when we turned a corner there was a kid there....

Rebecca looked at him as she kinda knew where he is going with this.

(Y/N): He was only about 18... maybe even younger... and Venom just ripped his head off... he was trying to protect the country and we killed him... but what else should I expect from a stupid parasite...

The two sat in silence as Rebecca didn't know what to say... (Y/N)killed a U.S solider, a young one at that, killing one in generally is bad, but a kid doesn't help feeling less like shit... but Rebecca was still confused about why he still aloud Venom to take control.

Rebecca: I understand your angry with yourself, but if your this angry with Venom then why let him out?

(Y/N): It wasn't him... I used him but I was in full control... perks of having him bond with your blood, it's also a fucking curse.

He said jumping off the vent and kicking it, Rebecca followed him and held his cheeks and made him look at her.

Rebecca: That was Venom, not you... you weren't in control...

(Y/N): But it's not just the kid Bex... it's all of them... I've lost count on how many people I've killed yet people still call me a hero...

Rebecca was about to say something but an explosion in the distance, they both looked at each other as (Y/N)just started to use Venoms powers and make his way there as Rebecca turned into Toxin.

Once they got there (Y/N) spotted The Winter Solider fighting Nat, (Y/N) looked to Toxin.

(Y/N): Go find Steve or Sam... I'll deal with Solider boy...

Toxin didn't get a chance to argue as (Y/N) already to off at high speeds towards The Winter Solider, Nat got hit as she hide behind a car and as The Winter Solider jumped on a car ready to take the final shot, he spotted (Y/N) running at him and tried to intercept him with a punch of his metal arm, but (Y/N) caught him by surprise when he just caught his arm.

(Y/N): I really ain't in the mood for this bullshit...

(Y/N) then grabbed his arm and throw The Winter Solider over his shoulder and went to punch him into the ground but The Winter Solider managed to roll out of the way and sweep (Y/N) legs out, The winter Solider aimed his gun at (Y/N)'s face, Steve then throw his shield at his gun making him miss the shot, Steve and The Winter Solider started to fight as (Y/N) went over to Nat.

(Y/N): Are you Okay?

Nat: Are you?

(Y/N) looked at her and realised she was worried about him from earlier.

(Y/N): Yeah, I'm fine... It doesn't matter tho, are you okay?

Nat: That's beside the point...

(Y/N): Are you Okay or not?

Nat took notice that something is still bothering him and she nodded at him as he jumped over the car and charged at The Winter Solider, (Y/N) and Steve then worked in unison against The Winter Solider got overwhelmed by the two on one fight, Steve then managed to get a grip on The Winter Soldier's mask as (Y/N) kicked him square in his back sending him a good distance away from the duo, Steve and (Y/N) stood tall as The Winter Solider got up and looked at them, that's when (Y/N)noticed his mask fell off, but he heard Steve.

The Unlikely Hero!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora