All Dance Parties Lead To A Horizontal Tango

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Ant McPartlin lounged on his sofa watching a history documentary about the Norman conquests, occasionally dipping his hand into a large bowl to replenish the supply of popcorn he was steadily shuttling between his right hand and his mouth as he watched. It was his day off and he was waiting for his best mate, Declan Donnelly, to arrive. In classic Dec style, he was quite a lot later than the 2pm meet up time they had agreed. They didn't have any plans to do anything other than what Ant was already doing but he still rolled his eyes as he checked the time on his phone again and read 2:20pm. A few minutes later the doorbell rang and he heard a key being placed in the lock immediately afterwards so he didn't bother to move. He and Dec always let themselves into each others' houses, with a courtesy ring of the doorbell to announce their arrival so they didn't walk in on anything they weren't meant to see. Unbeknown to the other, neither of them actually gave a rats ass and wouldn't have minded at all if they stumbled across the other having a wank.

Dec entered the house and toed off his shoes next to the rest of Ant's shoes (and a spare pair of his own that he'd left there one day and never bothered to take home). He called out, "Ant?"

Ant yelled back, "In the tv room!"

Dec's smiling face appeared around the door and he said, "Alright, radgie? Want a cuppa tea while I'm up?"

Ant replied with a grin and broadened his Geordie accent, "Areet. Aye, put the kettle on for us, love."

Ant heard the echo of Dec's laugh as he moved through Ant's house. Calling Dec a pet name such as "love" never failed to make him laugh so Ant did it in private frequently and sometimes even in public. Their fans all found it adorable and proof of their deep friendship and the shippers went nuts for it. None save the two of them knew how affectionate they actually were with each other. The phrase "in each others' pockets" was liberally applied to their relationship but it was more accurate than anyone realised. After so many years they were closer than regular friends and closer than some lovers ever got.

Dec came back a few minutes later with their mugs of tea carefully held in one hand and a share bag of crisps and a bag of Haribo in the other hand. "Raided the snack cupboard, hope you don't mind," Dec explained.

He put the bags down next to Ant and as he bent over to place the mugs of tea on the coffee table in front of the sofa. Ant surreptitiously ogled Dec's ass before he dragged his eyes back to the tv and moved the popcorn bowl and bags of crisps and Haribo to the sofa on the other side of him before Dec had a chance to sit on them.

He replied, "Good idea, saves getting up again to get them when we run out of popcorn."

Dec flopped down next to Ant's partially reclined form and leaned over for a hug, which went on long enough and involved enough of their bodies pressed against each other to be classed as a definite cuddle in anyone's book.

"Still a great cuddler," Ant repeated the line he often said to Dec when they eventually pulled apart.

He grinned over at Dec who just grinned back and leaned over him to get stuck into the snacks as he asked, "So what are we watching?"

Ant explained, "Oh, I was just watching a thing about the Norman conquests while I was waiting for you. We can change it to something else if you like?"

Dec waved his hand to dismiss that idea, "Nah, this is fine. You know I actually don't mind your history stuff."

Dec reclined a bit until he was as laid back as Ant and then wriggled about trying to get comfy until Ant slid his arm under Dec's neck and around his shoulder and pulled Dec into his side and Dec finally stopped wriggling.

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