First Impressions

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"(Y/N), are you even listening to me!?" I sighed, "Yes Utahime sensei, I hear you loud and clear." I said yawing. "You know (Y/N) you're even lazier than Mai. As a fellow member of the clan, I recommend you pick up the pace." Noritoshi said. I shook my head, "whatever you say jr." He shook his head along with the others until Gojo Sensei appeared. "Is this the one you we're talking about?" He asked pointing at me. I stood up and crossed my arms, "And just why the hell are you here?" I asked.  He chuckled, "Well, as of right now im your new teacher. Isnt that right Utahime?."

"Huh? What do you mean? Im a first year here in Kyoto not Tokyo ." He looked at me, " Surprise! Not anymore!" He laughed causing us to look at Utahime sensei in shock. "You're really transferring me?!" I yelled. "Its only temporary... just until you stop being lazy..." she nervously laughed. I grabbed her Kimono and looked her in the eyes, "You cant send me off to Tokyo! Especially with...him...." I whispered the last part pointing at Gojo Sensei who was poking at some ants giggling. She patted my head and smiled, "I promise, once you stop being lazy you can come back. Okay?" She said. I looked at her and sighed "Fine but when I get back, Im kicking EVERYBODY'S ass." I said causing Mai to laugh. "You're too lazy to even fully use your cursed techniques let alone fight all of us." I smirked, "You'll be the first once I get back."

I said my goodbyes to my friends as I was about to leave. "Oh (Y/N) make sure you come back before the Sister School Event. We're not losing this year." Noritoshi said. "Yeah yeah I hear you jr." I yawned causing him to pinch the bridge of his nose. "Remember Gojo if you do anything to hurt her its me and you." Utahime said. "Dont worry she's in good hands." As if. On the way to Tokyo the ride was silent. I mean I know im lazy but Its not that bad is it. "Hey you seem lost in thought." Gojo Sensei said causing me to snap out of my thoughts. "I mean yeah sorta, I just cant believe Utahime sensei just threw me out to the wolves like this." I said rubbing the back of my neck. He smiled, "Shes a bit of a airhead but dont worry, I know someone who can get someone as lazy as you into their prime." He said causing me to huff at his comment. "I'd like to see that."

Once we get to the school im greeted by a trio. "(Y/N) these are my students. You already know Megumi, this is Nobara and Yuji." He said. "Hello you you both, and long time no see Megumi." I said stretching. "How many more people are you gonna add to us?" Nobara questioned. "Now dont be like that, (Y/N) is only here temporarily cause she's so lazy." He said laughing. "Still lazy huh? What does Noritoshi have to say about it?" Megumi asked. "Same old same old, you're apart of a important clan, you need to apply yourself more." I said mocking him causing Megumi to sigh. "What clan are you from?" Yuji asked. "She's a Kamo, one of the three most powerful sorcerer clans." Megumi said. "I can control my blood with my cursed techniques." I said. "Oh, I heard Sukunas' vessel was hanging around here." "Yep you're looking right at him." Megumi said pointing to Yuji. "Oh really?" I said questioning his word. He's practically like a baby. This guy wouldn't hurt a fly. "(Y/N) is a first year but I'll have her alternating with you guys and the others, ok." Gojo sensei said. "Now lets take you to the second years.

As we make our way to the field I started to enjoy the scenery around me until Gojo Sensei catches my attention, "You remember me saying that I knew someone who could you into shape?" He smiled. "Yeah." I yawned making him smile, "Well, you're about to meet them." He said. Once we get to the field I stopped in my tracks at what I saw. "Whats wrong?" "Is that a panda..." I asked. "Why dont we take a closer look." He said dragging me closer to the field. I see a girl fighting the panda with a staff as he puts his butt in her face causing me to laugh catching their attention. "Who do we have here?" The panda said. "HE CAN TALK!?" "Yep, he is your upperclassman." Gojo sensei said. "I am Panda, this is Toge Inumaki." He said as a white haired boy waved. "And this is Maki Zenin." He said as the girl stared at me. "Zenin? You have a sister." I said. "That is correct." She said and I sighed. Great another jack ass.

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