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A simple mission

The Avengers were in full effect fighting their way through guards

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The Avengers were in full effect fighting their way through guards. Clint firing arrows as Thor came in swinging Mjölnir. Tony flew past Clint, Juliet a little ways behind as she fired at another guard. Steve came in on his motorcycle, throwing his shield as Hulk threw people.

"Shit!" Tony yelled at once

"Language" Steve corrected

"Jarvis what's the view from upstairs?" Steve asked, Jarvis replying "The building is protected by some kind of energy shield. Strucker's technology is well beyond any other Hydra base we've taken."

"Loki's scepter must be here" Thor said, fighting off some people

"And we'll find it Thor don't worry" Juliet answered

As the others continued to fight and hold off people, Juliet nearly got thrown out of the sky, quickly punching a guard.

"Wait a second, no one else is gonna deal with the fact that Cap just said Language?" Tony asked

"Thank you Tony I was waiting for you to bring it up" Juliet replied to her brother

"I know. Just slipped out" Steve answered, sighing

"Juliet I can hear you laughing don't say it" Tony quickly stated, knowing his sister well enough that she'd make a joke.


As Natasha helped Clint, and Steve took down some people. Tony and Juliet made it to the building.

"Jarvis are we closing in?" Juliet asked

"Do you see a power source for that shield?" Tony also asked

"There's a particle wave before the North tower" Jarvis answered. As Tony worked with that, Juliet held off anyone else coming.

"Clints hit pretty bad guys. We're gonna need evac" Natasha spoke. Thor quickly answered " I can get Barton to the jet. The sooner we're gone, the better"

"You and Stark secure the scepter" Thor said to Steve, "Copy that" Steve said before the two turned to the enemies.

"Looks like they're lining up" Thor pointed out, Steve saying "Well they're excited" Before he held up his shield and Thor hit it with Mjölnir, blasting the enemies backwards.

"Find the scepter" Thor said, flying off

"And for gosh sake watch your language!" Juliet said, a small smile on her face

"That's not going away any time soon" Steve sighed


Tony took down any enemies in the building as Juliet landed next to him. She stepped out of her suit, walking over to where Tony was, immediately working.

"The wall to your left, I'm reading steel reinforcement and an air current" Jarvis spoke after scanning the room. Juliet walked over, Tony following her

"Do the honors" Juliet smiled

Tony stood in front of it, "Please be a secret door. Please be a secret door." he pressed down on it, a small forming as it opened "Yay!"


"Tony I don't like this" Juliet said as she took in the room, "Relax you'll be fine" Tony said back to her before going over the comms "Yeah, I got something, bigger" He said to Steve who had just spoken to them.

"Thor, I got eyes on the prize" Tony said before freezing,

Juliet who had her back turned didn't see the girl by Tony, she moved her fingers, red coming from them and going though Tony. Juliet went to approach Tony but the girl did the same to her. Juliet also froze, panic filling her body.


Juliet stood on a battleground, people surrounding her. There was ash covering the ground as she walked toward the group of people. Tony was in the middle, a sadden look on his face.

"Oh Jules, what did you do"

"I.." but she never got to speak as she was pulled, swallowed by the darkness.


Word Count: 605
Written: May 22, 2021
Published: May 22, 2021

A/N: We're in Age Of Ultron now...are you ready? 😉
- Em

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