01 | Welcome to The Glade

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An older girl woke up startled, frantically looking around her. She didn't know where she was, or even who she was. She couldn't remember anything. Not even her name.

Why couldn't she remember?

"Hello? Hey, someone help!" She screamed for a while.

Was she being kidnapped?

Soon enough she realized, maybe she shouldn't be screaming bloody murder. She was scared that's for sure, she was frustrated, but she had to try to keep calm. If she freaked out, she might miss something important that could help her.

Glancing around more carefully, the girl realized she was in a box like elevator, it was moving up. She was surrounded by small storage crates with the words 'WCKD' labeled on them.

WCKD? What's WCKD?

The elevator then jolted, making her fall onto the hard ground. Hitting her head. She groaned, but then it hit her, she remembered her name.

Esmerelda. Her name was Esmerelda.

Esmerelda realized the box had suddenly stopped moving. Finding and grabbing a small wooden plank that sat next to her. She prepared for anything to happen. Just then the top had opened.

The girl looked up, but the sun was too bright for her to see anything. Having to block the sun with her arm, she realized she was surround by a group of people.

Although not just people. Boys. She was surrounded by a bunch of boys.

Much to her dismay a boy with light brown hair and funny looking eyebrows had hopped into the box joining her, making her jump.

He looked shocked when he saw her.

Swiftly the girl raised the small plank up in the air hitting the boy a few times. "Hey, hey. No, stop it. I-"

Esmerelda raised it once more, about to hit him, when quickly the boy put his hands up in surrender. "Woah woah.. Relax. I'm not gonna hurt you all right, Greenie."

Greenie? The girl thought. What the hell is a Greenie?

"What do you see?" Someone had asked, jolting her from her thoughts.

"It's.. a girl" Mr. Eyebrows replied.

More boys had started to crowd around the box. It was in fact a girl. She was quite beautiful. The girl was around their age, at least 16. She had long wavy brown hair, and brown eyes. She was tall, yet slim. Her skin was pale, but slightly tanned.

She had a stern face mixed with a little bit of fear. Though her aura was different, much more different. It was calming and light. She held her stance, tough, but friendly.

The brunette heard gasps everywhere.

"A girl?"

"What the shuck?"

Shuck? Weird.. She thought

Esmerelda had guessed they haven't seen any girls before.
Why not? Was she the only one?

"Well is she hot?"

"Why would they send a girl?"

"I call dibs!"

Esmerelda was annoyed and disgusted by the words some of them had been saying.

Three minutes in, the brunette boy was looking at the girl skeptically. Noticing his expression, the girl pulled a face at him. He rolled his eyes, making Esmerelda internally scoff.

The girl was still standing in the box, while everyone kept asking questions and talking over each other.

She wondered when they were going to stop. A couple seconds later, everyone was still talking over each other. Realizing no one was going to stop them. She decided to take matters in her own hands.

"Shut it!" Esmerelda yelled.

Ugh boys. She thought in her head, mentally rolling her eyes.

All the boys had then fell silent, not thinking a girl would raise their voice at them.

She turned her head to glance at the now amused looking boy in front of her. "Where am I?" Esmerelda demanded, although slightly panicked given the fact she was surrounded by a bunch of hormonal boys.

"Listen, why don't we get out of this box all right, Greenie? Then we'll answer some questions" The brunette boy in front of her asked, though it was more demanding.

He stuck a hand out for her to take. Reluctantly she grabbed us hand letting him hoist her up.

The female brunette got off the ground taking in her surroundings. There were four large stone walls, surrounding the green land she was standing on.

Were they stuck? Seriously. Surely there had to be a way out.

Her thoughts were fading out when she looked around to see everyone staring at her. The boys all stood in awe and amazement.

They were all around the same age as her. 16 to 17.

The girl was taken aback once she noticed a shorter boy. She knew he had to be at least 12.

He was a little chubby and had short curly brown hair. His brown eyes held so much innocence. She felt pity for the young boy. Being stuck here at such a young age.

Although, Esmerelda had one question burning through her mind.

Where was here?

"Welcome to the Glade." The female heard a voice from behind her answering her question.

Turning around she saw a dark skinned boy, wearing the smallest smile you could barely see. He looked to be the oldest of all of these boys. Maybe around 19 years old.

"The what?" Esmerelda asked, very confused by all these new words.

The boy had ignored her question. Instead greeting her with his name. "I'm Alby. You're not gonna pull another stunt like that right?" Alby, nodded towards her hands.

Confused, looking back at her hands, she remembered the wooden plank. The girl looked back up. "Not unless I have to."

He laughed, slowly trying to take the plank from her hands, despite the female brunettes strong grip. "No one is going to hurt you all right?"

She nodded reluctantly letting go off the wood. Still feeling the eyes of the rest of the boys around her.

"you remember anything? Maybe your name?"

"Just my name. It's Esmerelda. Why can't I remember anything but my name?"

"Relax, it happens to everyone here. Listen up shanks! Welcome Esmerelda to the Glade! Now I want everyone back to their jobs we don't need her to feel your disgusting hormonal eyes on her."

No one had moved. Staring at her wide-eyed, although some had grudgingly got back to their jobs. "Now!" Alby demanded. That got everyone else going.

Esmerelda had figured he was the leader. Considering the scared looks on the boys faces once he had yelled.

"Now, I think I better show you around Esmerelda."

A/N: First chapter done!! It's kinda plain and boring but I'll try to get things more spiced up soon! :)

- Elle

She was Esme | Gally TMRWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu