5 : "kiss?"

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Fluttering his eyes open, Kenjirou found himself nuzzled into his blanket comfortably and the breeze of the air conditioning unit hitting him right in his face; making him shiver

Groaning, he squinted his eyes as he searched for the remote of the a.c on the bedside table, but he felt nothing except his phone being charged by a random wire that he doesnt recognize

"eleven thirty a.m..—"

"kenjirou kun! my lovelylittlekouhai~!who i wish was kissing m—oh shit, youre awake."

"shut uppp-uh.. so noisy.."

Semi's words weren't processed by Kenjirou's still sleepy brain, finding whatever the taller said to be a muffled blur as he snuggled deeper against the blanket; the material covering half of his face

"wake up, stupid." Semi chuckled at the reaction, closing the door behind him and barged in the male's room without his consent

"yer the stupid one.."

Kenjirou furrowed his eyebrows, and pulled the blanket over his whole face; not wanting to wake up this early after sleeping at 4am

Semi laughed wholeheartedly at the sudden accent, making his way towards the male and sat on the bed right next to the him

"wake up before i lay on top of you."


Snickering evilly, Semi ignored Kenjirou's protest and proceeded to engulf the male with a big hug by turning his body around a bit and laying his top half directly on top of Kenjirou; his arms spread out

Kenjirou, who was laying on his back with his blanket covering his whole body, groaned out an irritated huff when he felt Semi's heaviness on him

"get offfff.."

"wake up!" Semi nuzzled his face against the blanket with his eyes comfortably closed and a cat-like smile tugging his pretty lips

"later.." The coppehaired reached one hand out from underneath the blanket and slapped the back of Semi's head, earning an even tighter hug from the ash blond instead

"hm.." Semi endured the sudden slap and continued laying on top of the male, his face laying on kenjirou's blanket covered chest

"eita.. get-"

"'eita senpai'." Semi interrupted the other's sentence to correct him, Kenjirou sighing in annoyance yet complied nonetheless.

"eita senpai, get off of me, please." Kenjirou emphasized the word senpai and asked the ash blond to get off of him politely

Semi stayed quiet for a moment, not replying to Kenjirou just yet. His breathing slowed down as he shifted in his position; putting his ear right against the male's chest and hearing the muffled sound of Kenjirou's heartbeats

"senpai.." Kenjirou called out as he removed the blanket off of his face and tucked it beneath his chin, his arms stretched up as he breathed in deeply

"hnm.. get off.."

"you want me to get off on you? 'cause i will if you'd let me-"

"jirou san! wake up!" Rinami barged in enthusiastically and ran to the bed and jumped on it, going to Kenjirou's other side and laid on top of Semi's back

The two startled male stopped their conversation

Kenjirou stifled a groan as he furrowed his eyebrows at the added weight on top of him

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