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They get the first surprise when Hotch tries putting a hand on his back and Spencer moves away looking up to him with pure indignation on his face and Mrs Landford quickly leans down telling Spencer to take a deep breathe before doing anything else and to her relive it helps and the kid doesn't to more than making a face.

"Not a fan of touches?"

"No, try to be minimal with that." Getting Spencer buckled up in his seat is the first task that already costs them more nerves than JJ did in her entire time she was with them. 

"It's okay, I am almost done" Hotch stammers leaning over the crying kid to buckle him up, while Spencer hits him with his fists. "You are okay, Buddy" He promises and adjust the seatbelt over the kid's chest.

"It's okay, try to tell me what is wrong?" Instead of speaking Spencer keeps hitting his head against the seat his hands grabbing the strap. "Is it to tight?"

They don't get an answer so Hotch closes the door and walks around the car to sit next to him while Rossi drives but the kid doesn't calm down so eventually reaches over and solves the strap and instead holding an arm in front of him and Spencer relaxes and eventually just humms to himself playing with the stuff animal in his hand and Hotch makes a mental note to maybe try it next time without the seat and just the seatbelt. 

Penelope had cried too when they took her in, they were the first foster family she visits and she never left again.

Derek and JJ had been scared when they were driven home while Emily seemed annoyed also having to change houses due behavior issues but the two men have the slight assumption that Spencer doesn't have behavior issues but other issues that people don't notice causing him to behave like this.

No child screams this much just because he doesn't want to be buckled up if there isn't another problem. 

"We have four other kids and even another boy." Hotch starts a conversation but Spencer doesn't react. "We have a girl who is only two years older than you and we have two more who are already teenagers and the boy is seventeen so he is a little bit older than you but I am sure you will get along. He likes football and sports do you like that too?"

No answer.

"Penelope likes art and loves to do crafts while Emily has a lot of fun with playing drums and she loves reading vampire books. And JJ plays soccer and reads a lot of books about animals." He continues trying to give Spencer an imagine of what expects him. "And we have a dog named Clooney."

"You will have your own room, all kids have, yours will be next to Penelope's and in front of Emily's. But you are all on the same hallway and you have your own bathroom. And we have a big house with a huge garden." He continues not sure if Spencer is listening to him rocking back and forth sometimes his chest meeting his arm. "And we have a pool. Can you swim?"

He shakes his head continuing the motion, so he is listening.

"We can change that."

The others know about the new kid that will for now live with them so they are already seated around the kitchen isle at least the three girls while Derek is still out with friends so when they come in, Spencer holding Sima, they have a wide smile on their face when they see how young Spencer is.

"Do you want to introduce yourself?" Spencer shakes his head and walks past the kitchen looking in the dining room and then walking back out of the kitchen to look in the living room and the men let him and Hotch quickly decides to first show him the house, through the basement where is a couch and board games and Hotch tells him that this is were most of them like to have their friends over and then through the rooms on the ground floor and then the first floor showing him first the hallway were their offices and guestrooms are and then the part with the children's rooms and his own room saying they will get him clothes from the basement later and then leading him up the stairs to Hotch and Rossi's rooms.

Little hands [Foster Family AU]Where stories live. Discover now