Chapter 20: The King's Daughter

Start from the beginning

"What's your name?" He had asked softly.

"Vivienne..." I whispered before passing out. He immediately brought me to Rivendell where the Elves then took me in, and then Lord Elrond started with the healing.


I breath shakily and think about what I just saw. Aragorn. Aragorn saved me. And what Eleanor and Théoden said was true- they attacked just to get me. But why? I never did anything...

I stand up and stumble through the empty halls until I hear voices, and stagger through the doors to see my grandfather, Gandalf, Éomer, Éowyn and several guards talking. Legolas, Aragorn and Gimli stand a little off to the side.

Legolas spots me, his face flashing with concern and he makes his way over.

"Are you alright?" He murmurs, and I nod hesitantly. I can tell that he doesnt believe me, and I wouldn't either. I must look like a mess.

"We ride for Isengard with all speed." Théoden commands. "Éowyn will lead the people back to Edoras. We need to speak with Saruman."

Everybody nods, and I adjust my weapons on my belt.

"Not you, Vivienne."

"What?" I look up at the king and frown. "Why not?"

"He is still looking for you. It isn't safe. Go with Éowyn."

"But why?" I exclaim. "What's so special about me, anyways?"

At this point, everybody is staring at us. Aragorn looks at his feet, not engaging in the feud.

"Saruman knows that Rohan, Mirkwood and Rivendell would do anything for you, as you are fairly popular in all three places. Your mother is- was, princess, King Thranduil took you under his wing like another child, and now, Elrond sees you as his responsibility. All three kingdoms would charge into battle for you, without hesitation. He wants to use you as an easier way to gain power over Middle Earth from the inside out."

"How does Rohan know?"


"How does your Kingdom know about me?" I repeat. "That I'm her daughter, that I'm wanted?"

"I... They..." Théoden swallows. I set my jaw.

"You kept a secret from me." I whisper harshly. "So everybody knows about this but me."


I storm out of the room with everybody staring after me, and try to find Numen. I am going with them, and I don't care if it's dangerous. I can look after myself! I run to where the stables and quickly saddle Numen. He whinnies and nudges my shoulder, nipping at my sleeve.

"Vivienne!" Legolas calls, and walk over to me. Aragorn stands beside him. "Are you alright?"

"No." I reply bluntly. "How could he keep this from me? I could've taken care of myself. I don't need people taking care of me and thinking I can't handle the truth!"

Legolas falls silent, and I turn to Aragorn.

"I saw you!" He raises an eyebrow. "I remember now. I saw you- you saved me. And you knew it was me. Why didn't you tell me?"

"It was not my decision to make."

I nod slowly and mount Numen, checking to see if my weapons are still in place. The horse shifts nervously, kicking up clouds of dust from the ground.

"You still want to come?" Legolas asks me.

"Of course."

"Saruman still wants you, and he is the White Wizard. It is not the best idea, Vivienne." Aragorn advises.

"Why does everyone underestimate me?" I say, strangely calm. Legolas looks up sharply and Aragorn gazes at me intently. "I can protect myself!"

"We do not underestimate you. But nobody, even I, stand a chance against Saruman. Gandalf himself was nearly defeated by him." Aragorn replies.


"Vivienne, please." Legolas begs. "Don't go. I don't want you to be hurt, or worse. Go with Eówyn."

I stare at the two of them in hurt and confusion. Why is everybody set against me?

"Legolas is right." Aragorn murmurs. I swallow hard.

"Fine." I hiss, and nudge Numen in the direction of the main gates. I exit Helm's Deep and start to follow the line that the people have formed back to Edoras. 

*     *     *

I turn around in the saddle and see the small group with Legolas, Gandalf, Aragorn, Gimli, Théoden, and Éomer in the distance, and feel an urge to join them, but I know I can't go with them. I feel a twinge of sadness.

But maybe I can...

I turn Numen around quickly and gallop towards them, but I am still a good distance behind them. After all, they are moving at a faster pace than the people of Rohan. It takes me a few minutes of flat-out galloping to reach them, and by the time I do, the line of people I left behind are specks in the distance.

I slow down next to Éomer. Everybody stops their horses and stares at me.

"I thought you had gone with the others, Vivienne." Gandalf says. I see Legolas staring at me and Théoden sucks in a breath.

"Nope, I'm coming with you." I say with determination, and urge Numen forwards. "Are you coming?" I call over my shoulder as nobody follows. Their horses soon follow mine, but Legolas and Gimli ride Arod next to me.

"What are you doing?" Legolas asks me, sounding slightly frustrated. "I thought I had told you to stay."

"Since when I take orders from you?" I immediately regret what I say, remembering that he isn't just an elf. He's the prince of Mirkwood. "I'm sorry." I apologize, glancing at him. He seems hurt, and stares ahead. Gimli is silent, for once. We continue to ride, but nobody says anything.

"When we get to Isengard, just be careful." Legolas finally says. "I know you are capable of protecting yourself, but I see you more than just another person, and I don't want to lose you, okay?"

I look at him and smile a little.


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