ZZSF 3: Chapter 12

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TongLin's POV
Ugh. The sun is so bright...why didn't I close the curtains yesterday night?? Turn the other side. Nevermind...When I am up, I cannot go back to sleep. I turn off the alarm clock and flipped around in bed.

TongLin: Jas- ......

I wish I did not remember what happened yesterday! I honestly told myself to get over it, if Jason is not the guy who I thought was, then what's the point of clinging onto him? Sulking for one night is way too much. I made too many people worry about me. I was just about to step out of the room when I saw - Someone - under the bed squirming.

YuanRen: 你很吵啦!!
*flips off the blanket*
* me totally shocked *
* YuanRen suddenly changed attitude*
YuanRen: 妹! 你起床了啊,哈哈哈。。看起来 more fresh hor!
TongLin: What, did I really have a history fit yesterday?
YuanRen: Oi. You acting weird...you recovered from ' The Crisis '?
TongLin: Yah.
*walks out*

I slammed the door, and heaved a sigh of relief. Fang TongLin, this incident probably will leave a scar on you for the rest of your life, but no reason to worry! It's not like he is an important part of your life. Anyway. ( Yea. Not important, very important. ) Tears started to form in my eyes and told my self, " Look on the bright side. You don't have to cook your 冬菇蘑菇炒菇菇 now! " But.. the times when Jason and I were jogging in the park, me 抛弃-ing Star Awards just to find Jason, the time when he made a 小虫 video just for me, when he promised he would not ever make a video started to flash through my mind. I shaked them off. " One problem at a time, " I said. I walk to the living room, and to my surprise, I saw Fei Er there making breakfast!

TongLin: Heyy, your culinary skills are so much better than mine! Looks nice.
Fei Er: Haha, I still remember that time when you NG just because you couldn't scoop up the food from the pan- hold up. Are you okay?
TongLin: Why do everyone keep asking me that?
Fei Er: Because...you aren't yesterday..why don't you look, umm. Really. Is this a joke?
TongLin: Nope. Hai, you know 我是个开心果okay?! 管那个死 Jason Lam. The thing I worry about now is, is Zi Huai okay?
Fei Er: Yes...it is still quite astonishing that your mood changed so fast. Anyway, kay lah! Eat, eat , eat!

I obviously know that Fei Er is trying to act normal just to make me feel comfortable. Yea, if this happens to anyone, the person will probably mope for 1 whole month. Especially is you trust the other person so deeply and he just- sigh, don't think about it. Just eat, eat, eat!


Fei Er was about to go and open the door but I went instead. Half expecting who the person maybe be already. I swing open the door and put on my I-don't-wish-to-see-you face. When I swing open the door, I saw Chen Guang. Not what I was expecting. I looked welcoming, but deep inside, I realised that Jason gives up so easily. Evidence that he 做贼心虚. Suddenly, I saw a head pop out of behind Chen Guang's. The person revealed his eyes. Don't need to say more, I recognise that eyes. I immediately tried to shut the door but Chen Guang pushed it open.

Chen Guang: 彤琳姐,this is something crucial. Please spare some time?
TongLin: I have work. Nothing is more crucial than work.
Chen Guang: I have prove that Jason is innocent, 5 minutes?
Jason: I really did not do it, 小虫, and I have a alibi. ( 证人 )
TongLin: You are wrong, period. Let's see what you have to explain. 5 minutes only. I don't want to be late.
Jason: I can send you to work.
TongLin: No thanks. I don't want to be seen on a cruddy motorbike.

I can feel the PANG of hurt on Jason and myself. I used to remember that I said that the person I was riding with on that motorbike, was much important than the motorbike. I guess he deserves it..

Jason: ...but you-
*  I walks inside *
* I didn't close the door *

End of ZZSF 3: Chapter 12~

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