First week of commitment

Start from the beginning

I bump into Laura in the hallway, I'm not sure wether or not she's still mad at me but I try my luck anyway;

"Hey babe." I say, hugging her.


"C'mon, it was nothing. You're jealous aren't you?" I tease her.

"Are we still on for tonight?" I ask her.

Still nothing.

"I guess not. Fine, I have to leave anyway." I give up.

I assume she talked to Uzo and Natasha about it, so I head straight to the set where they might be.

"Tash, Uzo, can we talk?" I ask them.

They both agree and stand up, following me.

"Did Lau talk to you about the fight we had this morning?" I question them.

"Nope sorry, what happened though? She seems pissed, not the usual fight huh?" Uzo says.

"Well she did mention a fight ... but nothing major, I think you should talk to her." Natasha says.

"It's just that she saw me laughing with Anna, and I did try talking to her but she won't answer." I sigh.

"Give her some space then." Uzo says.

"Fine, thanks." I smile, heading to my trailer.


Laura's pov

Work day is finally over, I can head home and not see Taylor. I couldn't stand it, I just couldn't watch her get taken away from me, especially by some weird attractive girl she met about a week ago.

But I couldn't fight for her either, I couldn't make a big deal out of it, and let Taylor sense that I'm jealous, because then I might lose her, for real.

I decided I was gonna let her come to me, if she really loves me then eventually she'll feel bad, and apologize, and maybe it'll all be good again. Maybe.

I run a hot bath, pour a glass of wine put a frozen pizza in the oven, turn on the TV and make it face the tub, so I could enjoy whatever's playing right now while I'm in the tub.

Obviously something had to ruin it, my phone starts ringing, my intercom starts buzzing and my oven made a weird sound which indicated that my pizza was done. Then, I wrap a towel around me and head first to the kitchen put on some gloves and take out the pizza.

I make my way to the intercom,

"Yeah?" I ask.

"Open up!" Natasha orders.

"Wha-Uh yeah sure come up." I say, opening the gate.

I head to my room, put on some deodorant, and wear a dress which was the easiest choice.

I open the door for Natasha to come in,

"I brought beer."She greets me.

"Come in!" I say, grabbing the beer first.

"So, what are we watching?" she asks.

"Pick whatever you want. Want some pizza?" I offer.

"Gimme!" She laughs.

I get the pizza, two plates, and a bottle opener, then sit on the couch near her.

"So, any plans for your birthday?" she tries to make conversation.

"I'm not sure I wanna celebrate this year." I admit.

"Whaaaat? Are you fucking kidding me?" she exclaims.

"Dude, I'm not in the mood for talking, let's just watch the movie." I plead.

"Fine whatever." She gives up.


Taylor's pov

The next day, I head to work hoping Laura forgave me already, but she didn't.

I catch her in the parking lot, so I run and grab her by the waist;

"Touch me one more time, and I'll sue you for sexual harassment." she threatens.

"What is wrong with you?" I ask, letting go of her.

"Just leave me alone." She says, and walks away.

And for the rest of the day, everytime I show up she leaves, and everytime I manage to get her in the same as room as me, she'd roll her eyes at me when I talk, and she'd grab Natasha everytime I wanted to talk her, on purpose.

I decide to head home straight after work, as I was clearly not in the mood to do anything, and I had to figure out how to make it up to Laura.

During my drive home, I came up with the best way to make Laura forgive me.

A surprise birthday party.

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