apt 420

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  New construction is everywhere. Housing is going up next to Industry and warehouse lots, as there's no zoning in my town. I'm living in one at the time. Just so happens, as a joke I rent unit 420 in my building. I smoke very little bud, and at the time I wasn't smoking any at all.

  Couple of college girls lived across from me. Basic blonde bitches, too self absorbed to be very neighborlrly. They would see me come in and out of my apt from across the hall once in awhile. I was always up and down my elevator all night and they were always partying. I hear a knock at the door and hear a girl crying. I open the door she rushes in my apt   and jumped behind my sofa, urging me to shut the door.

   Well all my work was laid out and my pistol was in my hand when I answered , so I hid it behind my back hoping she didn't notice what's on the coffee table behind her. She was hiding from her roommate's boyfriend. Boyfriend tried to fuck her down in the garage but she wasn't having it and bolted back up. Roommate got word from boyfriend still down in the garage; and like basic bitches do, turned on her friend before hearing what went down and locked her out.
   She's begging me to call the police or to use my phone. She looks like a young " Karen " in training and I just reupped;  it's all right there behind her on the coffee table. I tell her there's no way that's happening. She stands up indignantly,  scared she knows she fucked up running into a stranger's place. She's looking for something to defend herself, then suddenly she sees it.

   Gawking at a trashbag wide open with shards the size of kitchen knives sticking out, her jaw drops. I had no idea what I was gonna do, but there's no way she was getting my phone or calling cops until I'm long gone.

   She stood frozen for what seemed like forever she drops to her knees in front of the table and reaches for a shard. Right before she touches it she turns back to me and asks ( not even noticing the pistol I'm no longer hiding ) "Is this what I think it is?"

   I nod . She turns to pick up the Crystal and never looked back

apt 420Where stories live. Discover now